Arthur - does it clash?

[name]Hi[/name] everyone,

I have a hard time finding boys’ names that I like. [name]One[/name] that does actually appeal to me is [name]Arthur[/name]. I worry though, that it clashes with my last name, which is 2 syllables and starts with JAR.

So what do you think: [name]Arthur[/name] Jar***

A bit of a mouth-full? Too much ‘ar’?

Can’t wait to hear what you think,


I honestly think it depends on the whole of your last name. If it was just [name]Arthur[/name] Jar then I would say it clashed a little but I don’t know what the rest of your last name is so I can’t really judge it.

No I don’t think so. A bit of rhyming-ness makes a name better in my opinion, makes it stand out, like alliteration, which is always a good thing in my book. [name]Arthur[/name] Jar sounds find to my ears :slight_smile:

Let me take [name]Jared[/name] as a two-syllable word starting with Jar. [name]Arthur[/name] [name]Jared[/name] sounds a bit heavy but if you put a soft middle name between, it will be alright. What about [name]Arthur[/name] [name]Luka[/name]/[name]Luke[/name] Jar*, [name]Arthur[/name] [name]Michael[/name] Jar*, [name]Arthur[/name] [name]Noah[/name] Jar*?

I don’t think it’s too bad, though it depends if your surname is a short Jar like [name]Jared[/name] or a long Jar like, well, a jar. [name]Arthur[/name] [name]Jared[/name] isn’t as rhymey as [name]Arthur[/name] [name]Jarman[/name] as it’s a different sound.

Okay you’ve worn me down. The last name is [name]Jarvis[/name], with a long jar sound. Essentially repeating the first sound/syllable you hear in [name]Arthur[/name].

[name]Arthur[/name] [name]Jarvis[/name]. Handsome on paper, but said out loud…I’m not sure. And while I understand the point mclevine makes about a softer middle name breaking things up, middle names aren’t often used in our daily lives. He’ll be walking around in the world as [name]Arthur[/name] [name]Jarvis[/name].

Thanks for taking the time to respond, everyone!

I think it’s fine. I mean, I do see your concern, but the name looks and sounds fine to me.

I may be biased, though. I love the name [name]Arthur[/name] and want it to be used more since I probably won’t be allowed to :stuck_out_tongue:

I think [name]Arthur[/name] sounds fine with ln [name]Jarvis[/name], after saying it a bunch of times I think it sounds really handsome :slight_smile:

Thanks for your time everyone! Really appreciate it :slight_smile: