Asa or Abram?

We’re officially ttc and already arguing about names. I really like unique (at least in this area) or underused “old people” names. He simply doesn’t. While I’m loving [name]August[/name], [name]Hugo[/name], [name]Linus[/name], [name]Wiley[/name] and [name]Wallace[/name], he’s all about [name]Michael[/name], [name]William[/name], [name]Patrick[/name] and oddly, [name]Guillaume[/name] and [name]Septimus[/name].

We can both sort of agree on [name]Abram[/name] ( I love nn [name]Abe[/name]) but I want to bring up [name]Asa[/name] as a possibility. I love it, but I think he might dismiss it out of hand. Any advice on how to make [name]Asa[/name] sound like his idea? Or any suggestions for alternates that we could agree on?

The mn will likely either be [name]Joseph[/name], [name]Josiah[/name] or [name]Abram[/name] (if we don’t choose it for a first).


[name]Asa[/name], hmm…you can try to connect it to the currently “in” [name]Asher[/name] (although his taste looks more classic than currently popular), and it was a character (I think the father?) in this series of youth novels called Big [name]Red[/name] that were largely about Irish Setters (showing my nerd card here). I really have no idea if that would help!

You could also point out its similarity to [name]Ezra[/name], which he might like more because it’s more familiar? Or might not? : D. You could also consider [name]Ezra[/name] itself.

I wouldn’t really recommend [name]Asa[/name] [name]Abram[/name] as a combo, I don’t think the flow is great, but you could and then get the nn [name]Abe[/name].
I love [name]Asa[/name] [name]Joseph[/name]! And if you’d be OK with him being an AJ sometimes, that might make it more palatable to your husband.

Here’s another thing that might help: [name]Wiley[/name] I believe was historically used as a Scottish name for [name]William[/name], could you compromise and have a [name]William[/name] nn’d [name]Wiley[/name]?

[name]Michael[/name] + [name]Linus[/name] makes me think [name]Miles[/name]…

[name]Patrick[/name] from his list has a sort of old man charm, to me. [name]Frederick[/name]?

Really weird he can get behind [name]Septimus[/name] and not [name]Linus[/name]. [name]Augustus[/name]?

Good luck!

I love [name]Ezra[/name], but he doesn’t. I like the idea of [name]William[/name] nn [name]Wiley[/name]. I have a creepy cousin named [name]William[/name]- I wonder if that would be a problem. [name]Frederick[/name] might be a real possibility.

You’re welcome! [name]Glad[/name] you like [name]William[/name] nn [name]Wiley[/name] as an idea but hmm, yeah I know what you mean about the cousin. I work with children and have known two [name]Williams[/name] who are on the meaner end of the personality spectrum. The name moves on and off my list because of that. It’s on, currently, because it is just such a classic, familiar name that I think I could think of other examples as well. Maybe you can too? Only you can decide, but I think it’s worth considering.

Good luck with [name]Frederick[/name] (and [name]Asa[/name] and [name]Abram[/name]!)! [name]Vincent[/name] and [name]Walter[/name] and [name]Peter[/name] all came to mind too to me.