
[name]Hi[/name] everyone! I’m new here:) My husband and I are actively trying to conceive, and as we talk about boy names, we’ve been having a little problem. My hubby’s favorite name is [name]Ashley[/name]. I actually really like it, but I’m worried it’s too much of a girl name now. [name]Do[/name] you think it can be redeemed and used as boys name again or are we way off on this?

Other names we’re considering are [name]Gable[/name], [name]Milo[/name], [name]Oliver[/name], [name]Calvin[/name], [name]Clark[/name], [name]Ian[/name], [name]Jacoby[/name], [name]Jonah[/name], [name]Abel[/name], and [name]Theodore[/name] nn [name]Theo[/name], and if we decide against [name]Ashley[/name], it may well end up as a middle name.

Thanks in advance!

I think [name]Ashley[/name] is solidly in the girls’ camp now. I have a very difficult time seeing it on a boy anymore. Much like [name]Carol[/name], [name]Sandy[/name], [name]Jody[/name], [name]Kelly[/name] and [name]Tracy[/name]… I think it’s masculinity is gone for good.

Which is kind of a shame. The name of [name]Ashley[/name] [name]Wilkes[/name] from Gone with the Wind always seemed to personify the perfect southern gentleman’s name to me.

[name]How[/name] about [name]Ashton[/name] or [name]Asher[/name] instead?

***After reading elea’s post I think I should add that I am in the U.S.

Where do you live? I live in the UK and it is still prominently male here. No one would bat an eyelid at a male [name]Ashley[/name].

If you live in the US, you may get a few raised eyebrows but imagine if you met a male [name]Bailey[/name] or [name]Leslie[/name]? You may be a little surprised hearing them but, at the end of the day, they have a well known enough masculine heritage that people will recognise. It’s the same with [name]Ashley[/name] I think.

I really love your name choices especially [name]Gable[/name], [name]Milo[/name], [name]Jonah[/name], [name]Jacoby[/name] and [name]Theodore[/name] nn [name]Theo[/name] :slight_smile:

[name]Hi[/name], Lollipop. :slight_smile: [name]Welcome[/name]!

From your list, I seriously love [name]Milo[/name], [name]Oliver[/name], [name]Theodore[/name], and [name]Calvin[/name]!

Here’s what [name]Pam[/name] and [name]Linda[/name] wrote about [name]Ashley[/name] for a boy:

“When a name has been on the girls’ most-popular list for decades, it’s no longer a viable option for a boy. Try [name]Asher[/name] instead.”

Here’s what they wrote about [name]Ashley[/name] for a girl:

“[name]Ashley[/name] was a sensation in the 1980s and 1990s; it hit Number 1 in 1991 and remains in the Top 20. Still pretty but no longer even vaguely stylish in any of its numerous variations.”

I have to say that I agree with them on both counts. (I’m sorry!)

I’m in the U.S., and [name]Ashley[/name] is 100% girl to me at the moment, but I bet that as it declines in popularity amongst girls, it may one day find its way back towards the boys’ camp.

Good luck! :slight_smile:

I do think that [name]Ashley[/name] has gone to the girls but [name]Asher[/name] and [name]Ashton[/name] are two great names that you could use instead.

However, I can’t say I would choose the other names on your list either.

Of course [name]Oliver[/name] is always popular as is [name]Milo[/name] but they are a great style change to [name]Ashley[/name].

[name]Jacoby[/name] is interesting but a little hard to say imo.

I really like [name]Ashley[/name] for a boy, it’s charming and stylish. It would make a distinguished choice and has the great nn [name]Ash[/name]. I’ve known three guys called [name]Ashley[/name] and they all seem to really like their name. It doesn’t sound ultra-feminine to me as it does to other posters. I’d say if you like it, go for it!

Good [name]Luck[/name]:slight_smile:

  • [name]Charlie[/name]

I’d agree with the others that if you’re in the US it is decidedly feminine - even more so than [name]Kelly[/name] I would say. I think a young, male [name]Ashley[/name] would have a hard time growing up; teachers would assume it was a girl on their class list, all the novelty pencils and stickers with names on them would be pink, girly Ashleys, etc. I like the [name]Asher[/name] and [name]Ashton[/name] alternatives because I agree nn [name]Ash[/name] is very handsome, but I also like some of your other options, especially [name]Oliver[/name], [name]Ian[/name] and [name]Milo[/name].

Are you in the US?

I also think that [name]Ashley[/name] is too much of a girl name, sorry…

From your list my favorite is [name]Milo[/name]! Besides I love the name [name]Liam[/name] (Wouldn’t [name]Liam[/name] [name]Ashley[/name] sound perfect?!?)