[name]Hi[/name] everyone! I’m new here:) My husband and I are actively trying to conceive, and as we talk about boy names, we’ve been having a little problem. My hubby’s favorite name is [name]Ashley[/name]. I actually really like it, but I’m worried it’s too much of a girl name now. [name]Do[/name] you think it can be redeemed and used as boys name again or are we way off on this?
Other names we’re considering are [name]Gable[/name], [name]Milo[/name], [name]Oliver[/name], [name]Calvin[/name], [name]Clark[/name], [name]Ian[/name], [name]Jacoby[/name], [name]Jonah[/name], [name]Abel[/name], and [name]Theodore[/name] nn [name]Theo[/name], and if we decide against [name]Ashley[/name], it may well end up as a middle name.
I think [name]Ashley[/name] is solidly in the girls’ camp now. I have a very difficult time seeing it on a boy anymore. Much like [name]Carol[/name], [name]Sandy[/name], [name]Jody[/name], [name]Kelly[/name] and [name]Tracy[/name]… I think it’s masculinity is gone for good.
Which is kind of a shame. The name of [name]Ashley[/name] [name]Wilkes[/name] from Gone with the Wind always seemed to personify the perfect southern gentleman’s name to me.
[name]How[/name] about [name]Ashton[/name] or [name]Asher[/name] instead?
***After reading elea’s post I think I should add that I am in the U.S.
Where do you live? I live in the UK and it is still prominently male here. No one would bat an eyelid at a male [name]Ashley[/name].
If you live in the US, you may get a few raised eyebrows but imagine if you met a male [name]Bailey[/name] or [name]Leslie[/name]? You may be a little surprised hearing them but, at the end of the day, they have a well known enough masculine heritage that people will recognise. It’s the same with [name]Ashley[/name] I think.
I really love your name choices especially [name]Gable[/name], [name]Milo[/name], [name]Jonah[/name], [name]Jacoby[/name] and [name]Theodore[/name] nn [name]Theo[/name]
From your list, I seriously love [name]Milo[/name], [name]Oliver[/name], [name]Theodore[/name], and [name]Calvin[/name]!
Here’s what [name]Pam[/name] and [name]Linda[/name] wrote about [name]Ashley[/name] for a boy:
“When a name has been on the girls’ most-popular list for decades, it’s no longer a viable option for a boy. Try [name]Asher[/name] instead.”
Here’s what they wrote about [name]Ashley[/name] for a girl:
“[name]Ashley[/name] was a sensation in the 1980s and 1990s; it hit Number 1 in 1991 and remains in the Top 20. Still pretty but no longer even vaguely stylish in any of its numerous variations.”
I have to say that I agree with them on both counts. (I’m sorry!)
I’m in the U.S., and [name]Ashley[/name] is 100% girl to me at the moment, but I bet that as it declines in popularity amongst girls, it may one day find its way back towards the boys’ camp.
I do think that [name]Ashley[/name] has gone to the girls but [name]Asher[/name] and [name]Ashton[/name] are two great names that you could use instead.
However, I can’t say I would choose the other names on your list either.
Of course [name]Oliver[/name] is always popular as is [name]Milo[/name] but they are a great style change to [name]Ashley[/name].
[name]Jacoby[/name] is interesting but a little hard to say imo.
I really like [name]Ashley[/name] for a boy, it’s charming and stylish. It would make a distinguished choice and has the great nn [name]Ash[/name]. I’ve known three guys called [name]Ashley[/name] and they all seem to really like their name. It doesn’t sound ultra-feminine to me as it does to other posters. I’d say if you like it, go for it!
I’d agree with the others that if you’re in the US it is decidedly feminine - even more so than [name]Kelly[/name] I would say. I think a young, male [name]Ashley[/name] would have a hard time growing up; teachers would assume it was a girl on their class list, all the novelty pencils and stickers with names on them would be pink, girly Ashleys, etc. I like the [name]Asher[/name] and [name]Ashton[/name] alternatives because I agree nn [name]Ash[/name] is very handsome, but I also like some of your other options, especially [name]Oliver[/name], [name]Ian[/name] and [name]Milo[/name].
I also think that [name]Ashley[/name] is too much of a girl name, sorry…
From your list my favorite is [name]Milo[/name]! Besides I love the name [name]Liam[/name] (Wouldn’t [name]Liam[/name] [name]Ashley[/name] sound perfect?!?)