Note: Long post ahead, so if you’re not able to sit through all my reasoning, please only vote on the TL;DR poll!
Hello berries!
I am on the hunt for some advice regarding my darling Astoria Guinevere. I want to find the perfect finishing touch/second middle for her. Here I have some options with reasoning to present to you!
First I’ll begin by explaining the reasoning behind Astoria Guinevere as she is because perhaps it’ll influence your decision.
Astoria is a name that means a lot to me, as it keeps making more meaningful appearances in my life even after it already means so much. I love The Goonies, but what made me adore it initially was the song and album “Astoria” by Marianas Trench. It also turned out to be the name of the street that bears the pond by which my boyfriend and I had our first date/kiss, and that’s the main reason it continues to resonate with me. We frequent that spot very often, and I just love the way Astoria looks written on the street sign. There’s also the nickname “Story” which sticks with me as a writer and world builder, and it honors my boyfriend’s interests as well.
Guinevere is a variant of my beloved mother’s name, and I just love how soft it looks and sounds. The meaning gives me beautiful imagery of crashing waves, and it offers a nice contrast to the darker imagery of Astoria for me. I also enjoy the Arthurian legends, and this name obviously ties to that.
Now, the options I have listed are:
Dawn – The original third name to this combo. I love the way it looks and sounds, and it gives great imagery but it’s just lost some meaning to me over the years.
Dove – If you know me in real life, you know I am ty strongly connected to pigeons, and that my connection to pigeons directly relates to my time in theatre school and my dearest friends and colleagues. This would honor a major part of my life, but I’m not completely sold on it as a name.
Circe – For the same reasons as Dove.
Flora – I just love the look, sound, meaning, imagery… I also like the connection Winx which was a big part of my childhood. Boyfriend likes this name a lot too.
Faye – I love fairies, and this name reminds me of my father as we write together and one of our main characters is called Faye, so I feel like this name would honor my relationship with him.
Solstice – We love the sun, and part of what I’m known for professionally has to do with sunshine. Also open to other sun themed names, just haven’t been able to find the perfect one yet!
Luna – Love this name, but it’s too short for my liking to be used as a first. I founded a theatre company with some of my closest friends, and the moon makes an appearance in our logo. I would also include Moon as a name option here but my boyfriend doesn’t like it, haha.
Okay, that’s my short list for now. If you read all that, thank you, and please only vote on the first poll! If you have more to say about it or any additional suggestions, don’t hesitate to leave a comment.
PS; My boyfriend does not have anyone/anything in his life that he’d like to honor at this time, so that’s why his input is somewhat lacking here. Don’t worry about him, lol.
- Dawn
- Dove
- Circe
- Flora
- Faye
- Solstice
- Luna
0 voters
- Astoria Guinevere Dawn
- Astoria Guinevere Dove
- Astoria Guinevere Circe
- Astoria Guinevere Flora
- Astoria Guinevere Faye
- Astoria Guinevere Solstice
- Astoria Guinevere Luna
0 voters