
I just happened upon the name [name_m]Astrophel[/name_m] this morning and fell in love with the meaning “star lover.” It is listed as masculine, but I can imagine it working on both a boy and a girl. What do you think?

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It seems very masculine to me. It sounds very whimsical! [name_f]My[/name_f] only problem is that it ends in “fell”.

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@MG1257perhaps Astrophil would be better? I believe it would be more consistent with the greek too.

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I love [name_m]Astrophel[/name_m]! It seems pretty unisex, I think anyone could rock it. I like it more than Astrophil, since the ‘phil’ makes it seem too… modern? It takes away from the look and feel of [name_m]Astrophel[/name_m].
I’m a sucker for names like this though, especially any [name_f]Astra[/name_f]- name. You could always use just Astro on its own, or as a nickname :slight_smile:

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Ooh, yes! I think I added this one, actually :star_struck:

I like it, but it’d be a brave choice for a first name, IMO. As a middle, though? Fantastic!

I do prefer it for a boy. And I agree with this :point_down:

“[name_u]Phil[/name_u]” just seems a bit… underwhelming, in a magnificent name like [name_m]Astrophel[/name_m].

You might also like [name_u]Marinell[/name_u], from [name_u]Spenser[/name_u]'s Faerie Queene.


I like it. [name_m]Just[/name_m] reading the name, I actually assumed it was a girls name! Now that I’ve read the comments, I’m not sure…

I love it. I like both spellings but [name_m]Astrophel[/name_m] seems much more grounded (perhaps because it seems a little less portmanteau, a little more [name_m]Raphael[/name_m]). However, I feel it is solidly masculine.

I would be ecstatic to see [name_m]Astrophel[/name_m] used!!