AT HOSPITAL! Last minute name confusion -- please help us decide!

See the results of this poll: Camilla or Katherine?

Respondents: 45 (This poll is closed)

  • Camilla : 28 (62%)
  • Katherine: 17 (38%)

I would go with [name]Camilla[/name]. It’s spunky and different but familiar. Good luck to you are your family.

Nothing wrong with [name]Camilla[/name], but it is not my cup of tea. [name]Katherine[/name] is one of my all time favorites and got my vote.

I would choose [name]Katherine[/name], but I prefer [name]Catherine[/name]. I think the K cheapens the name.

I chose [name]Katherine[/name]. I would prefer [name]Katharine[/name] or [name]Catherine[/name], but [name]Katherine[/name] is still nice.

[name]Camellia[/name] (like the flower) appeals, but [name]Camilla[/name] doesn’t.

I think [name]Camilla[/name] is soft and feminine, and yet sophisticated without overpowering a little girl. I also love [name]Barclay[/name] and [name]Camilla[/name] in a sibset! <3 Good luck mama!! <3

I’d choose [name]Camilla[/name]. [name]Kathrine[/name] is ok, but I think it would be hard to avoid the nn [name]Kathy[/name] which I don’t care for.

i chose [name]Katherine[/name] but prefer the spelling beginning with C.
i don’t like camilla. i think [name]Camille[/name] is better.

If it were [name]Catherine[/name] with a C, that would be my choice, I cannot stand K’s for some reason.

[name]Camilla[/name] gets my vote.

I choose [name]Camilla[/name]! It’s elegant, feminine and strong, and more unique and unexpected than [name]Katherine[/name] while still being familiar. [name]Love[/name] it! It also has cute nn options from [name]Cami[/name], to [name]Milla[/name] or the sweet [name]Millie[/name] :slight_smile:

Good luck!

For some reason, I think [name]Barclay[/name] and [name]Camilla[/name] sounds better than [name]Barclay[/name] and [name]Katherine[/name], but they are both great names.