Attn: Downton Abbey fans - names from Gosford Park

There’s a great thread running in the girls’ names forum about Downton [name]Abbey[/name] names so I was inspired to post some from DA writer [name]Julian[/name] Fellowes’ movie, Gosford [name]Park[/name], which came out back in 2001. For non-fans, it’s a kind of [name]Agatha[/name] [name]Christie[/name]-style mystery set in a great 1930’s manor house with all the sort of upstairs/downstairs intrigue going on. [name]Maggie[/name] [name]Smith[/name] basically plays the exact same character she’s so famous for now in Downton [name]Abbey[/name]! Anyway these are most of the main characters: what are your thoughts on the names?

The lords & ladies:


Their guests:


The servants:


I think [name]Freddie[/name] is cute for a little boy! Also like [name]Mary[/name], [name]May[/name], [name]Jane[/name] & [name]Elsie[/name]…trying to decide about [name]Sylvia[/name] & [name]Louisa[/name].

I love [name]Freddie[/name] for a boy! Currently trying to convince my husband we should go with [name]Frederick[/name] [name]James[/name] for our son!

Ooh I have heard of that movie, but never watched it. I will have to watch it! Thanks!
[name]Lottie[/name] is great! I like [name]Charlotte[/name] and I wish there were more Lotties than Charlies.

I adore [name]Lavinia[/name] - I’m a little surprised I don’t see it more often, honestly, with it’s similar feel to [name]Olivia[/name].

Gosford [name]Park[/name] is really good. It’s basically DA minus the soap, schmaltz and desperate populist appeals to modern sensibilities. The resolution to the central plot is very well done.

[name]Constance[/name] was a horrible, not charming, snob, and Lady [name]Sylvia[/name] was even worse, but they’re my favorites.