Hey Berries! I’ve been writing a story that has a few name problems- starting with August nn Auggie and Olivia nn Liv (my main characters). There is a book that has the same names for both main characters, the only difference being Via as the nn for Olivia.
Lord August Mannering Scott- I really love Auggie, though I had been considering Llewellyn nn Lew or Cassian nn Cass He has curly blond hair
brown eyes, a sense of humor and a crazy grin
I think it suits him, personally. His sisters are Isabella and Milicent.
Olivia Codie- I love Liv and I haven’t found any name replacements for it that I like , so I am asking DESPERATELY for name suggestions
She has brown hair, blue eyes, is very serious and caring. Her siblings are Willow and Brady and I am more willing to change her name than Auggie’s
Questions in short :
Do you think it matters their names are the same as another book?
Do you prefer one over the other, hate them both or have any other suggestions about them?
And do you have any name suggestions?
Thank you my darlings!
I think it’s okay! Since Auggie and Via go by those names exclusively in Wonder, I don’t think it’s a big deal. Liv is a very different name, so I think you’re fine! August nn Gus could also work, if you wanted to change Auggie and make both nicknames different from the Wonder sibs’ nicknames! I personally really love Gus! You could also do Olive nn Liv.
To be honest, I think it’d be okay so I say leave the names as they are
If I were you, I’d keep August “Auggie” and I’d make Liv the other character’s full name, instead of a nickname for Olivia. Or if you really want it to be a nickname, it could be short for something else, like Lavinia, Olive, Sullivan, etc.
It took me a second to make the connection but I think it’s okay as long as [name_f]Olivia[/name_f] is never called [name_f]Via[/name_f]. [name_f]Liv[/name_f] could also be short for something else - [name_f]Olive[/name_f], maybe, or there’s a name I love: [name_f]Liva[/name_f]. (Lee-vah). [name_f]Liv[/name_f] (leev) is also a standalone name in some places and I think that’s really pretty too.