
My husband and I have finally agreed on a boys name that we both really like: [name]Augustin[/name]. He suggested [name]Augustus[/name] and, although I like the name it was definitely too “ssssss-y” with our last name which ends in an “s”. [name]Do[/name] you think [name]Augustin[/name] resolves the problem or is there still too much “sssss” and too rhyme-y with a last name ending in s?

I really like the name, and am so proud of my husband for finally coming up with a good name on his own so I don’t want to veto it unless I have to. And I love the nickname “Auggie” :o)

What do you think?

I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Augusten[/name]/[name]Augustin[/name] (I spell it with the -en). I think it’s a perfect mix between the old sounding [name]Augustus[/name]/[name]Augustine[/name] and the new popular [name]August[/name].

I also love the nickname Auggie for it, but would probably use the full name most times. I can’t see a problem with [name]Augustin[/name] and a last name ending in S.

i love auggie! thats really cute. I dont think augustin would be a problem with a last name ending in S. I think [name]Augustus[/name] would maybe be to much with a last name ending in S.

[name]Augustus[/name] was in our top 3 nn Auggie. It’s a great compromise.

I think [name]Augustin[/name] is a fabulous now, great nn potential (both Auggie and [name]Gus[/name]) and works well with a surname ending in ‘s’. What are you thinking for a middle name?

[name]August[/name]/[name]Augustus[/name] is on our shortlist for bub number 2 but our surname ends in ‘on’, so [name]August[/name] or [name]Augustus[/name] works better for us.

I agree with the comments above-- [name]Augustin[/name] is a great name!

Thank you ladies!! Awesome! I think we are set then :o) My inlaws have a competition going as to which of them will guess our baby’s name, and I love the fact that none of them will guess [name]Augustin[/name] hehehehe.

Middle name will be my maiden name which is three syllables as well (but last name is two), starts with M and ends in a “eee” sound.

Yay! You guys are awesome :o)