Aurora Blue

I stumbled across this combo just now, what do you think of it?

I actually really really like it! It’s pretty, soft, but not overly girly at all.

I think it is quite pretty. I think [name]Blue[/name] feels really trendy because of [name]Beyonce[/name] but it works here.

I love [name]Aurora[/name], and I love [name]Rory[/name] as a potential nn.

And yeah, [name]Blue[/name] for a middle name is nice. It does feel a little trendy but I think you can get away with that in the middle spot more than in first place. And IMHO blue can be a very girly colour if it’s done right. My daughters room is blue, and I dress her in blue all the time :slight_smile:

I love [name]Aurora[/name]! Obviously, haha. :slight_smile: I absolutely love the nn [name]Ari[/name] for it, too.

I don’t love [name]Blue[/name]–the [name]Beyonce[/name] thing is too strong and I never really loved it as a name in general. [name]Aurora[/name] [name]Blue[/name] does sound cute, but I like [name]Aurora[/name] [name]Lou[/name] or [name]Aurora[/name] [name]Rue[/name] more, personally.

[name]Precious[/name]! [name]Aurora[/name] (nn [name]Rory[/name]) [name]Blue[/name] is adorable. I keep trying to find a good feminine name to get the nn [name]Rory[/name], and this is great. [name]Blue[/name], as a middle is ok for me. I think I prefer the PP suggestion of [name]Lou[/name] a little better.

Normally, I would never go for [name]Blue[/name] in any spot, but in this case, I think it works. [name]Aurora[/name] of course means “dawn,” so the combo is quite poetic.

Beautiful [name]IMO[/name]! :slight_smile:

Like some of the others have said, I love [name]Aurora[/name] but not [name]Blue[/name]. I think it’s trendy and it’s charm will wear off fast.

My husband just mentioned his love for [name]Blue[/name] the other day.

I prefer [name]Rue[/name]. But I must confess - blue is one of my least favourite colours. Possibly I would be more into it if I liked the colour more. As it is, I think of it as a hound dog name. (“Git him, [name]Blue[/name]!”)

[name]Aurora[/name] is a fave though.