Does anyone have a child with autism? [name_f]Apple[/name_f] is 5 and being assessed next month. It is suspected she has high functioning autism.
I had always suspected something, but everyone always told me she was fine, even her doctors. But she’s had a tough time at school and they helped us a lot, and now she’s finally being assessed.
She’s always had what I now recognise to be symptoms (really the list is too long for me to type), but the past year since her little sister was born (who is now 13 months), she’s been harder. She doesn’t play well with her siblings and has recently turned into a hitter. It’s frustrating. She’s so loving and sweet most of the time, but when she isn’t loving and sweet, she REALLY isn’t. So much that her siblings don’t want to play with her sometimes. But she doesn’t seem to understand that what she does has consequences.
She gets so frustrated and angry SO easily and she usually doesn’t seem to know how to deal with that so takes it out on me, my husband or her siblings. Or just has a meltdown, no matter where we are. I had to carry her out of the supermarket last week and I just broke down in the car because I know it’s not her fault. And I don’t know how to help her.
The other symptoms are not so bad, but her behaviour at the moment is getting worse and worse and it’s incredibly overwhelming and stressful and it’s almost like I can feel my sweet girl slipping away and I feel like I’ve failed as a parent.
Part of me hopes she gets diagnosed so that we can get the appropriate help and support and have answers that will explain a lot of her personality and behaviour. Does anyone have any experience with autism? I know I’m not alone and loads of parents are going through similar, but having someone to talk to might help?