Avonlea _______ Mercy?

Hi Berries!

Ever since @Harvest-Endellion suggested Av0nlea as a possible sister to V!ridiana and H!ldegarde to add onto my dream girl sibset, I have been trying to come up with a good middle name combo.

I haven’t decided if I like one or two middles better yet, but for two middles, I am kinda thinking I like:

V!r!d!ana Lyd!a [name_f]Blythe[/name_f]
H!ldeg@rde C0rdelia H0pe

Av0nlea as the first name for a third girl would be just another name with a sound/look/meaning/connotation we like (and would also have all three girls linking together to [name_u]Anne[/name_u] of [name_u]Green[/name_u] Gables!) [name_f]My[/name_f] DH actually kinda liked [name_f]Avonlea[/name_f] when I suggested it to him! So now I am trying to make a middle name combo.

For the third middle I kinda liked [name_f]Mercy[/name_f] as the virtue to go with the other girls’ virtue middles. I am open to other virtue name suggestions though if they flow.

My main question is which longer, more feminine kind of Victorian lady-esque name would you put in the middle to sort of ‘match’ with Lyd!a and Cordel!a?

Ideas I’ve thought of:

Av0nlea C@ssandra M3rcy (we’d pronounce it cass-AHN-druh)
Av0nlea Gl0ria M3rcy (family honor name)
Av0nlea L!nnaea M3rcy
Av0nlea J0nquil M3rcy
Av0nlea 0phelia M3rcy

What names go with Lyd!a and C0rdelia and/or what do you think just fits my style and sounds good with Av0nlea ______ M3rcy?

Thanks! :heart:

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Av0nlea Gl0ria M3rcy is my favorite from your list. I thought of Av0nlea Vi0la M3rcy :blush:

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Av0nlea 0pheli@ [name_f]Mercy[/name_f] would be wonderful and Gl0ria is nice too

Av0nlea Felicty M3rcy
Av0nlea [name_f]Emilia[/name_f] M3rcy
Av0nlea [name_f]Aurelia[/name_f] M3rcy
Av0nlea [name_f]Odette[/name_f] M3rcy
Av0nlea [name_f]Ilaria[/name_f] M3rcy
Av0nlea [name_f]Florence[/name_f] M3rcy
Av0nlea [name_f]Eulalia[/name_f] M3rcy
Av0nlea [name_f]Eliza[/name_f] M3rcy
Av0nlea [name_f]Clarissa[/name_f] M3rcy
Av0nlea [name_u]Adair[/name_u] M3rcy
Av0nlea [name_f]Keziah[/name_f] M3rcy

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Avônlèa Jôyce Mèrcy :slightly_smiling_face: or
Avônlea [name_f]Edith[/name_f] Mèrcy

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You’ve mentioned liking C@ssandra before so I think Av0nlea C@ssandra Mer€y is perfect!

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Hang on to that DH who likes [name_f]Avonlea[/name_f]! A gem. :slight_smile:

Avonlea ________ [name_m]Merc[/name_m] is lovely.

Love [name_f]Cassandra[/name_f], wonder about [name_f]Cassia[/name_f]?

I like [name_f]Trillian[/name_f], but I’m a bit odd.

I like all your middles except [name_f]Ophelia[/name_f], too [name_m]Hamlet[/name_m] for me

AvOnlea [name_f]Hester[/name_f] M*rcy??

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Thank you everyone!

My fave suggestions so far are:
[name_f]Ilaria[/name_f] (one of my long-time faves!)

@SparkleNinja18 so sweet of you to remember, yes we both like C@ssandra which is why it’s the first combo that came to my mind when I was looking for a name along those lines that we’d both like. I do still think that might be my fave combo.

and @Harvest-Endellion thank you again for the suggestion. You can bet I will hang on to him :gem: :gem: :gem: I mean, he’s agreed to let me name our first-born daughter my all-time most favorite name in the world (V!rid!ana). How many guys would go for that, and then also like @vonlea??? lol (Plus he’s a :gem: in so many other ways, but don’t mind me, I’m just a newlywed talking hehe)


Does Av0nlea En!d [name_f]Mercy[/name_f] work???

The E sounds in Av0nlea and En!d kinda blend together but it’s a cute combo!

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Aw, you’re kinda right :/… but I still kinda really like Av0nlea En!d… lol. Thanks for answering!

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Wow, that’s quite a list, thank you! I’m glad you like J0nquil :slight_smile:

My faves of your picks:

Wow that’s quite a list!
