Awesome Middle Name, Guilty Pleasure, or Off-Limits?

See the results of this poll: Theophilus: Awesome middle name, guilty pleasure, or off limits?

Respondents: 82 (This poll is closed)

  • Awesome middle name! : 37 (45%)
  • Best left a guilty pleasure… : 39 (48%)
  • Totally off limits : 4 (5%)
  • Other (comment below): 2 (2%)

[name]Theophilus[/name] Thistler, the thistle sifter,
In sifting a sieve full of un-sifted thistles,
Thrust three thousand thistles through the thick of his thumb,
Three thousand thistles through the thick of his thumb.


I think it’s a nice middle name :slight_smile:

My great-grandfather’s first name was the similar Theophil, but I have a feeling he hated it since he went exclusively by his middle name [name]Alexander[/name]/[name]Alex[/name]. I can’t say I really blame him, but if you really love it, I think [name]Theophilus[/name] would be fine as a middle.

Oh! Awesome middle name! This is my favorite type of middle, something that sets off a more ordinary first, such as [name]James[/name], and makes it shine. I think I even have [name]Theophilus[/name] on my list as middle name material, though I haven’t paired it yet.

Cool little rhyme, caninestorm! Where’d you get that?

It’s usually given by relatively religious people (I know one, not Greek or anything), but it definitely has a cool steampunk vibe.

It is a tongue twister, and an Australian musical group called Sonic Animation did a song with those lyrics :slight_smile:

I think it works as a middle name.

What a great mn option. (I’d find it a bit much for a fn).

It’s kind of a mouthful and I’m not even sure I would pronounce it correctly…but I think middle names are usually fair game. People very rarely get called by their full names. Despite some family knowing, and having to put his name down on some official documents (like passports, driver’s license etc) no one will ever really know. So I think as long as the flow is nice…then use it.

[name]Theophilus[/name] would be an awesome middle name.

I like it as a middle!

Thanks for all the replies and votes guys! I think I’ll try to work it in as a middle name!
Thanks again!