Axel or Aksel?

[name_m]Hi[/name_m] everyone! Which [name_m]Axel[/name_m] spelling do you guys prefer: [name_m]Axel[/name_m] or [name_m]Aksel[/name_m]? I am leaning more towards the [name_m]Aksel[/name_m] spelling, but is this too out there for a potential child that will be living in the US?

Also, does [name_m]Axel[/name_m]/[name_m]Aksel[/name_m] [name_m]Adrian[/name_m] flow well together or is there too much alliteration? I’m playing around with middle names and I really enjoy the name [name_m]Adrian[/name_m].


[name_m]Axel[/name_m] for sure. [name_m]Aksel[/name_m] just looks like a pronounciation so people know how to say it… I guess…?

[name_m]Axel[/name_m] [name_m]Adrian[/name_m] flows nicely by the way.

Good luck!

I much prefer [name_m]Axel[/name_m]. [name_m]Axel[/name_m] [name_m]Adrain[/name_m] flows well and is handsome.

[name_m]Axel[/name_m] [name_m]Adrian[/name_m] flows really well. Definitely go with the x spelling for sure.

I’d actually pronounce these differently… [name_m]Axel[/name_m] more like [name_m]AX[/name_m]-ul and [name_m]Aksel[/name_m] like ack-SELL. I definitely prefer [name_m]Axel[/name_m]. [name_m]Axel[/name_m] [name_m]Adrian[/name_m] is handsome.

I actually prefer the [name_m]Aksel[/name_m] spelling of this name.

I really like [name_m]Aksel[/name_m] and feel it softens up the name, but I do feel like it would be too difficult in the US.

I like the [name_m]Aksel[/name_m] spelling best, but depends whether you are happy to explain and correct.

Oh gawd…if you going to go for it, go for it. You decided on a strong name - own it. [name_m]Aksel[/name_m], c’mon.

[name_m]Axel[/name_m] - that’s the name. Your choosing it for him, at least help him out a little with the spelling.

I like [name_m]Aksel[/name_m]. It’s a softer variant. I know [name_m]Axel[/name_m] is also a variant & a real name but it falls into the current trend of hyper-masculine boy names that I dislike ([name_m]Ryker[/name_m], [name_u]Jagger[/name_u], [name_m]Gunner[/name_m], etc)

Askel would be my choice. I like unique names; and I like common names spelled differently. My oldest daughter is [name_f]Autumn[/name_f] [name_u]Storm[/name_u]; her sister is [name_u]Winter[/name_u] [name_u]Rain[/name_u]. Their baby brohter doesn’t exactly have a unique name, but he was named after 2 of his grandfathers, he is [name_m]Randall[/name_m] [name_m]Allen[/name_m].

Last [name_f]September[/name_f], [name_f]Autumn[/name_f] had my first grandchild, a little boy, and he is [name_m]Miles[/name_m] [name_m]Cristofer[/name_m]-[name_u]Dean[/name_u]. Mommy wouldn’t change the spelling of his first name to [name_m]Myles[/name_m], but he is her son.

Definitely [name_m]Axel[/name_m]! [name_m]Aksel[/name_m] looks very forced, like you were trying to hard to be unique. And [name_m]Axel[/name_m] and [name_m]Adrian[/name_m] go great together!

I like [name_m]Axel[/name_m] - no mistaking the spelling! I have unusual spelling of my first name and I am forever correcting the spelling which can be a bit of a hassle!

I love [name_m]Axel[/name_m] [name_m]Adrian[/name_m]…I think alliteration is really neat. My son is [name_m]Bodhi[/name_m] [name_m]Bear[/name_m] so I’m well and truly on the band wagon :slight_smile:

good luck!

[name_u]Axel[/name_u] spelling looks like a car part.

I like the alliteration, and also think that I might prefer the spelling of [name_m]Aksel[/name_m] a bit more as I’m not a fan of 'x’s in most cases.

I prefer the [name_m]Aksel[/name_m] version. It seems softer to me. [name_m]Bode[/name_m] and [name_u]Morgan[/name_u] [name_u]Miller[/name_u] named one of their twins this and spelled it this way.

I think [name_m]Aksel[/name_m] [name_u]Adrian[/name_u] flows perfectly!

How hard could it honestly be to pronounce [name_m]Aksel[/name_m]? It’s either “AK-sull” or “ak-SELL”. It’s not like it’s 20 letters long.