Babies Due October, November, & December 2024

Wishing you the best and hope it’s all good news at your next appt! I wanted a natural birth so bad so it was hard to accept for me at first having to be induced but i’m just glad we played it safe and I have my healthy boy now. If you ever need to talk to someone whose gone through something similar or just vent feel free to message me

I am up early pumping because my poor 7 month old is sick and hasn’t eaten enough and needed something to scroll while doing it, and landed here.

@pacifica and @luneth you may be interested in this article on early (39 week) inductions if that is a conversation you’re having with your doctors. Evidence on: Inducing for Due Dates - Evidence Based Birth®

There is also an article on induction for gestational diabetes on there, and one about due dates in general and the risks associated with waiting vs inducing (as I recall, at least, it has been a while now!).

After a good bit of research I decided to schedule an induction at 41 weeks, that was my personal point where I felt the data backed up baby being better off out than in. However, I had a very low risk pregnancy. [name_f]My[/name_f] doctor never even suggested a 39 week induction, and agreed she was comfortable waiting a week after my due date. I didn’t end up needing the induction, at 39+4 I had my first cervical check and was only something like 1cm dilated but on my due date I went into early labor and baby was born at 40+2 without any labor augmentation.


Sooo I will not need to go in for induction tomorrow - instead I’ll be making a first pediatrician visit! [name_f]My[/name_f] water broke on its own very early [name_m]Thursday[/name_m] morning, and S@muel B@rret was born that night. Overall, everything went great. Sam’s blood sugars tested well after a slightly rocky start and he’s looking healthy, which was a huge relief. Recovery and settling back in have been harder, but we’re slowly starting to figure things out.

@hvnewton [name_f]Baby[/name_f] [name_f]Josephine[/name_f] is so strong! I’m so glad things have been progressing well.

@Pacifica That is really stressful. I hope everything works out! You’re so close!


@Krikit aww congratulations!!! What was it, 40+3 or 4 or around that? Glad baby Sam is doing well. Wishing you a smooth recovery and enjoy all the newborn snuggles. :heart:

@Beort12 I hope your sweet baby gets well very soon. Thanks for the link. I tentatively booked an induction on my due date. Admittedly still have mixed feelings about it, especially since I believe the holiday making it extra difficult to wait and see. Grateful I have the chance to potentially go to full term though.


@Beort12 Thanks for the link! [name_f]Hope[/name_f] your little one feels better real soon :two_hearts:

@Krikit Congratulations! [name_m]Welcome[/name_m] baby S@muel! :blue_heart: :baby_bottle: I’m glad to hear he arrived safely, and it sounds like things progressed pretty smoothly for the most part.


Congratulations @Krikit!! And welcome to baby S@muel!

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I’m so excited (and impatiently waiting) for all the birth announcements to come from this thread. I hope baby keeps cooking for y’all!

We’re still in the NICU since baby girl had some more bradycardic episodes. Last one (that counts against her at least) was on [name_f]Sunday[/name_f] 11/17, which makes her new potential discharge date this [name_m]Friday[/name_m] 11/22. Fingers crossed we can jail break her then :crossed_fingers:t3:


Sending good vibes for baby [name_f]Josephine[/name_f] to go home [name_m]Friday[/name_m]! That would be wonderful if she can! :crossed_fingers:t2:

We hit 35 weeks today and after an impromptu check yesterday I’m feeling better about my odds of continuing past 37 weeks. I had two normal blood pressures in clinic and they think I might’ve been getting abnormal readings at home due to a combo of heightened stress/anxiety and wrong cuff size? Hopeful that’s all it is and maybe little guy will get to arrive on his own timeline!

In other news we decided to get our [name_m]Christmas[/name_m] tree and decorations out early because things with baby are so in flux, so I’m feeling very much in the holiday spirit now :christmas_tree::tada:


It’s a bit ironic as I stare down my last post in this thread, but we had our 36 week appointment today and wound up with another high blood pressure. That apparently cemented my OB’s decision and I was told they want to induce me after all at 37 weeks. We scheduled the day and time right then and there, even, so official go time is December 5th, and we’ll see from there how long it takes for baby boy to come on out and pick his birthday.

I am still really in shock because all of today felt like a whirlwind. Within about 10 minutes I got to my appointment, had a BP check, and my doctor came in and said yes, we need to take him out next week. Can’t say I’m totally mentally prepared, but I feel some calmness mixed in with the “holy heck” feelings because she at least warned me this could happen ahead of time. But yeah, that’s my big update! Looks like little guy realllllly didn’t want to chance having a Christmas birthday. :laughing:

ETA: Funny thing is also, I felt him drop into my pelvis/lightening last night lying in bed, so he seems to know it’s time to get ready.


Oh wow, best of luck next week! Hopefully things will go smoothly from now on.

[name_f]My[/name_f] big update isn’t as big, but I had my ob/gyn appointment yesterday and MFM the day before. They also decided to move my induction date. To 39 week (plus couple days) though, so I have three weeks to mentally prepare unless little boy wants to come earlier on his own.

While I don’t exactly feel ready I also feel some calmness. I suppose it’s nice knowing when it’s gonna happen instead of uncertainty.

[name_f]Hope[/name_f] everyone else is doing great. And happy Thanksgiving!


Uncertainty has been the hardest part for me in everything, so I think that’s why I’m almost relaxed now having an exact timeline of what’s happening. Totally understand that feeling!

[name_f]Glad[/name_f] you at least have some time to see if little boy will try to choose his own birthday or not, but regardless, I"m sure it will all go perfectly.


My big update is that baby is here! And it’s a boy!

Basil Colin was born at 5:19pm on Tuesday 26th November. He weighed 3.41kg (7.5lbs).

Spontaneous but scary labour as I had a lot of bleeding and clots, but both he and I are totally fine. I was 39w2.

Will do an announcement in the announcement thread at some point in the next day or so.

(Basil is bah-zil)



That’s such a wonderful update! Been thinking about you and wondering if you’ve had the baby yet. Sorry to hear the labour was scary, but super glad you both are doing well. Now it’s official we have more boys here. :laughing:


I was getting such boy vibes from you! Hooray! Congratulations and glad everything went well despite some scariness!


Congratulations and welcome to baby [name_m]Basil[/name_m]! :baby_bottle::blue_heart: I’m happy he arrived safely and hope you’re recovering well.

Lots of little boys in this birth group!


[name_m]Just[/name_m] wanted to hop on and say we had a similar situation with our last baby. We had an appt. In the morning, and the we were told to go home and we would be delivering that night.

We were induced later and it was hands down the best delivery! It was quick and pretty painless (as much as labor can be) and very calm. I know induction sometimes gets a bad rap but it it isn’t always a bad experience.


It’s nice to hear you had such a positive experience! I feel lucky to have a week’s heads up rather than needing to go in that same night, which i think might have supercharged my anxiety! But it is nice to know when things will happen so I can truly get my last ducks in a row first.

Hopefully other than them inducing labor, things will go smoothly and I won’t need many interventions.


Two days until induction day and I feel like I’ve suddenly gotten a raincheck for all the symptoms I didn’t experience in the first trimester :expressionless: There’s been nausea, breast pain, fatigue, back pain and just feeling blah in general. So on account of that I’m sort of glad he’s almost out!

I’m nervous but excited and have been nesting like crazy. But honestly the house is as clean and we’re as stocked up & ready as we can be, so it’s me rearranging the same corners over and over at this point. Can’t wait for little guy to get here! Now that I know when he’s coming I got him some [name_m]Christmas[/name_m] presents. :blush: