Baby #6 is Here!

[name_f]Olivet[/name_f] [name_f]Autumn[/name_f] was born on [name_f]October[/name_f] 18th. She joins three brothers and two sisters, meaning we now have an evenly matched set. :slight_smile:

After a lot of agonizing over her name, we finally chose [name_f]Olivet[/name_f] as the perfect balance between a biblical name ("[name_f]Olivet[/name_f]" refers to the Mount of Olives in the [name_m]New[/name_m] Testament, where many significant events in [name_m]Jesus[/name_m]’ life happened, including his ascension into heaven), and a botanical name. We fell in love with it’s simple, unpretentious beauty, and it suits our daughter very well.

Daddy chose her middle name, [name_f]Autumn[/name_f], while I was in labor. She’s our [name_f]October[/name_f] baby, and we have enjoyed many long hikes through the woods this fall as we’ve awaited her arrival. We’ll never forget the beautiful colors that greeted our little autumn olive branch. :slight_smile:

Congratulations on your baby girl! Her name is darling and I love how much it means to you!
All of your children are beautifully named, so baby [name_f]Olivet[/name_f] fits in perfectly :slight_smile:

I’m always intrigued by bigger families (being an only child myself), do you mind me asking how old your other children are?

Congratulations! :slight_smile:

What a beautiful name! I also love all her older siblings names!

Oh Oliviet is simply gorgeous!!

Congratulations! What an amazing choice. I’ve never heard [name_f]Olivet[/name_f] mentioned on the “nouveau biblical” lists but it’s just perfect. Your family is gorgeously named; I immediately get a sense of who you are as parents and the values you hold dear, but it’s not too overstated.

that’s really beautiful… congrats!!!

Thank-you everyone! It took us so long to choose a name this time, so it’s very encouraging to hear that people like it!

I have never heard the name [name_f]Olivet[/name_f], ad it’s simply lovely. Congratulations on the newest addition to your family :slight_smile:

What a pretty, unexpected name. Congrats! :slight_smile:

Congratulations! :slight_smile:

What a beautiful name! Congratulations to you and your family on the arrival of little [name_f]Olivet[/name_f]!