My son was born on thanksgiving and we are taking our time naming him. He has an older sister named [name]Juniper[/name] and our last name is [name]Rain[/name].
These are some of the names we like. What do you think? Any other names you think we might like?
I like [name]Banyan[/name]…I think it has a wonderful sound with [name]Juniper[/name], very nature based. [name]Oakley[/name] would work too. Name your little one…12 days is too long to be nameless!
I like [name]Ezra[/name], Tasman and Koa the best. But [name]Ezra[/name] might be difficult for a young child to say, with the last name [name]Rain[/name]. [name]Ezra[/name] [name]Rain[/name]. Tasman and Koa flow better.
I like [name]Ezra[/name] but I’m not convinced that it fairs well with your last name. Koa seems a little too feminine and [name]Banyan[/name] exotic.
BUT Tasman and [name]Abel[/name] are gorgeous! (Haha [name]Abel[/name] Tasman) Tasman being my favourite Being an Australian, for me it evokes dark seas and soaring cliffs and everything else to do with the Tasman Sea.
Other names you might like:
[name]Cassius[/name]! [name]Cassius[/name] [name]Rain[/name], swoooon. Same goes for [name]Caspian[/name].
Have fun deciding on a name! And congrats on the new arrival
Tasman. It’s strong, and naturey like his older sister. I’m not a huge fan of two noun names, but you’ve already done that with [name]Juniper[/name] so I wouldn’t be too bothered about it
I like:
[name]Ezra[/name] -Clunky Hebrew cool. Can’t go wrong.
[name]Emrys[/name] (on whom the character of [name]Merlin[/name] was based) To me this sounds friendly yet a bit mysterious.
Koa. -I might want to nickname him Koala. [name]Just[/name] really like the sound of this one. A bit like the word koan, as in a [name]Zen[/name] riddle. [name]Lovely[/name] with your last name.
[name]Banyan[/name]- sounds like bunion to me, or banya, as in a Russian sauna.
[name]Taj[/name]- I think of the [name]Taj[/name] Mahal, and so I find this name a bit… presumptuous.
Congratulations! My thoughts on your original list:
[name]Ezra[/name]: [name]Juniper[/name] has some biblical significance as well, so this could be a nice fit.
Tasman: A brave choice, but I think this might be a little too exotic with your last name.
[name]Banyan[/name]: [name]Do[/name] you plan on having more children? It might be tough to stick with the tree theme, if so.
[name]Taj[/name]: Also too exotic for my tastes, and I agree that it sounds a little presumptuous/pretentious given the imagery it evokes.
[name]Roland[/name]: I don’t like alliteration when your last name is a noun.
[name]Emrys[/name]: I like it. My mind wants to pronounce it wrong though, with three syllables instead of two.
Koa: [name]Do[/name] you live in [name]Hawaii[/name]? I did for years, and I think that’s the only place you can get away with using this name. Also continues with the tree theme.
[name]Abel[/name]: When paired with a noun ln, a name that sounds like an adjective is a little too awkward to me. [name]Able[/name] [name]Rain[/name], rain that is able to get you wet.
Of what’s been suggested, I like:
My husband and I traveled in [name]New[/name] Zealand and Australia before we had kids and we backpacked in [name]Abel[/name] Tasman so those names evoke lovely memories for us. Also we are surfers, so anything oceany we like. Our bigest hang up with Tasman is that we live in a small town (6000 people) and we just found out that a friend of a friend named their 6month old Tasman. Its such an unusual name to have 2 of them here, and the same age pretty much. But is that a reason not to go with it? We’re not sure.
I like all of your names, with the exception of Koa, which I’m just unfamiliar with
[name]Ezra[/name] - almost impossible to say [name]Ezra[/name] [name]Rain[/name] without tripping up.
Tasman - I wouldn’t use it if your acquaintance already did. It’s so unique - not like two Johns. [name]Banyan[/name] - I like this one best, but I’m unsure of the two -n endings of [name]Banyan[/name] [name]Rain[/name]. I definitely think it could work.
[name]Taj[/name] - I like the sound but I’m not sure about it unless you have Hindi ties.
[name]Roland[/name] - [name]Love[/name]! But, sounds like [name]Rollin[/name]’ [name]Rain[/name] to me.
[name]Emrys[/name] - See [name]Ezra[/name].
Koa - I would definitely end up calling him Koala. It’s cute, but it’s hard to picture how it would age. [name]Abel[/name] - [name]Able[/name] [name]Rain[/name] doesn’t really turn me off for some reason. I like it!
[name]Bastian[/name] (nn [name]Baz[/name] if you like)