Baby boy #2 on the way!

We are so excited about having a little brother for our son [name]Jack[/name] but can’t quite settle on “the” name. Thoughts and opinions are welcome! So far we have discussed:

[name]William[/name] -my father’s name (if this is not the first it will be the middle of what whichever name we choose) I like it but am not sure I love it as a first name.

[name]Henry[/name]- Currently my favorite on our list, my husband is also a fan

[name]Felix[/name]-sounds old fashioned and spunky

[name]Calvin[/name]-a recent addition to our list, I like that it isn’t overly popular and the nickname [name]Cal[/name].

The list is still growing, so suggestions are welcome! As you can see, our style is slightly old fashioned classic boys names, but we also like names you don’t hear every day.

Congratulations on number two!

[name]William[/name] - I like [name]William[/name] a lot and I think [name]Jack[/name] and [name]William[/name] are a great pair. I agree with you, though, that I’m not terribly fond of it as a FN. I think it’s fabulous as a MN for all your other choices, though. I also think something like [name]William[/name] [name]Felix[/name] or [name]William[/name] [name]Gabriel[/name] would be fabulous.

[name]Henry[/name] - love [name]Henry[/name]. I’m debating it on my own list, but I love to see others consider it! [name]Jack[/name] and [name]Henry[/name] are a perfect pair, imo! [name]Henry[/name] [name]William[/name] is a bit too classic for me but I still love the significance and I utterly adore [name]Jack[/name] and [name]Henry[/name] together.

[name]Felix[/name] - [name]Jack[/name] and [name]Felix[/name] is great, too. I love [name]Felix[/name] a lot but generally prefer it as a MN. I love the option of [name]William[/name] [name]Felix[/name], personally! I think it fits the quirky vibe of [name]Jack[/name] Champion.

[name]Calvin[/name] - I’m torn between this and [name]Henry[/name]! On the one hand, I’ve always thought [name]Jack[/name] and [name]Henry[/name] were meant for each other, but I like that [name]Calvin[/name] is a bit less classic and I still love it with [name]Jack[/name]. I think [name]Calvin[/name] [name]William[/name] is a bit repetitive but I like it as a combo more than I like [name]Henry[/name] [name]William[/name]. I adore the nn [name]Cal[/name], and I love seeing [name]Calvin[/name] considered, I think it’s utterly fabulous!

I think my first vote goes to [name]Calvin[/name], followed by [name]Henry[/name]. What about something like [name]Caleb[/name], [name]Spencer[/name], [name]Oscar[/name], [name]Patrick[/name], or [name]Leo[/name]?

Good luck!

I love the option of [name]Henry[/name] [name]William[/name]. So handsome! It matches [name]Jack[/name] so beautifully. [name]Jack[/name] and [name]Henry[/name]. <- Beautiful sibset.
I am not a fan of the name Felix. I can’t get over that stupid cat! It reminds me of Feline, which makes me feel it is a little feminine, and that bothers me also. Sorry to be so down on a name you love! I know when/if I ever meet a little Felix all of those preconceived notions will disappear.
If you do use William as a first name, you have the option of using Liam as a nn, and Liam and Jack just sound so wonderful! I think this is my favorite option of the ones you have provided, and could use any of the other names on your list as a mn.

I love [name]William[/name]. It is a classic, handsome, strong name with a lot of nickname options. I also really like [name]Henry[/name].

I adore the meaning of [name]Felix[/name], but I don’t think I’ll be able to like it. It reminds me of [name]Felix[/name] the cat and the [name]Roman[/name] procurator.

[name]Cal[/name] is a handsome nickname, but I prefer [name]Caleb[/name] or [name]Callum[/name] to [name]Calvin[/name].