Baby boy due in 3 weeks! Help please!

My husband and I are expecting a little boy in 3 short weeks and we have yet to decide on a name. I have names that I like and he has some that he likes but we rarely seem to agree.

We know that we do not want a name that starts with J. My husband’s name is [name]Jacob[/name] and so is one of my brothers. We also have brothers named [name]Joshua[/name] and [name]Justin[/name] so there are just too many J’s in our family. (which is too bad because we both love the name [name]Jude[/name], but we just can’t bring ourselves to do it)

Also we do not want a 1 syllable first name. Our last name is 1 syllable that ends in x, so names ending in x may sound cheesy too.

Here is a list of names we like just so you can get an idea of our taste. We would really like a name that sounds strong for our little boy.

[name]Silas[/name] (we both like but i’m not completely sold)
[name]Jude[/name] (J name)
Gerhig (he likes, I am not a huge fan)
[name]Cayman[/name] (he likes, i don’t)
[name]Brody[/name] (does not seem like a strong name to me)
[name]Jonah[/name] (J name)
[name]Charlie[/name] (I like, he doesn’t)
[name]Luca[/name] (I [name]LOVE[/name], he doesn’t)
[name]Canaan[/name] (my top choice but he doesn’t like it)
[name]Maverick[/name] (i don’t know if people will think we named him this as a joke)
[name]Baylor[/name] (both like but i’m not sold)

wow I guess we are having a hard time because we have so many stipulations! haha

Thanks in advance,

My top choices are [name]Silas[/name] (sounds strong) and [name]Maverick[/name] (sounds cool). I personally love [name]Jude[/name] and think the J’s in your family is a fun thing to keep going… but, the two above are in my opinion the best names.

Would your husband prefer [name]Lucas[/name] over [name]Luca[/name]? Perhaps [name]Luca[/name] is a little on the feminine side if you are going for something strong. [name]Luke[/name] as a nn is quite strong.
[name]Silas[/name] seems very popular now…it comes up quite a lot on this forum. It’s not for me personally, but obviously many people agree with this choice.

First thoughts on your list:

[name]Silas[/name] (we both like but i’m not completely sold): I really liked this name a lot at first, but many people seem to have strong negative opinions of it which are influencing mine.
[name]Jude[/name] (J name): I think if you both really love it, you might want to forget about the anti-J rule. I prefer [name]Judah[/name], though.
Gerhig (he likes, I am not a huge fan): [name]Lou[/name] [name]Gehrig[/name]'s Disease.
[name]Cayman[/name] (he likes, i don’t): As in, the islands? I don’t really think this works as a name.
[name]Brody[/name] (does not seem like a strong name to me): I agree. A little too surfer/pothead for me.
[name]Jonah[/name] (J name): I like, but I like [name]Judah[/name] a lot more.
[name]Charlie[/name] (I like, he doesn’t): All your other choices are so much more distinctive. I think you should continue with that theme.
[name]Luca[/name] (I [name]LOVE[/name], he doesn’t): I only think this is appropriate if you are very Italian. Otherwise it will strike people as effeminate.
[name]Canaan[/name] (my top choice but he doesn’t like it) Interesting biblical choice. People would always mispronounce it, though.
[name]Maverick[/name] (i don’t know if people will think we named him this as a joke): [name]Even[/name] though we’re past the [name]Sarah[/name] [name]Palin[/name] days, this was the joke du jour back then, and I don’t think there’s been enough time passed since then to take it seriously.
[name]Baylor[/name] (both like but i’m not sold): [name]Baylor[/name] University. It’s a cool sounding name but the association here is pretty strong. I’ve also only heard of it used for girls, and Nameberry seems to agree as it doesn’t even have a boy listing for the name.

Some suggestions from my list (Not for me, but I like | Nameberry):


Nice list! I’ve tried to offer some alternatives to the names you’ve listed, but skipped over the J names due to the problems you described. [name]Hope[/name] they help jog some ideas for you!

[name]Silas[/name] - [name]Simon[/name], [name]Sylvan[/name], [name]Cyrus[/name]
Gerhig - [name]Gareth[/name]
[name]Cayman[/name], [name]Canaan[/name] - [name]Caedmon[/name]
[name]Brody[/name] - [name]Bodhi[/name], [name]Bryce[/name]
[name]Charlie[/name] - [name]Richard[/name], nn [name]Hardy[/name]
[name]Luca[/name] - [name]Lucian[/name]
[name]Maverick[/name] - [name]Everett[/name]
[name]Baylor[/name] - [name]Baird[/name], nn [name]Bay[/name]

Some others you might like:

[name]Abram[/name], [name]Bram[/name]










[name]Everett[/name] ([name]Rhett[/name])

[name]Dashiell[/name] ([name]Dash[/name])


I think you guys should go for [name]Jude[/name]. It’s so not a [name]Jason[/name]/[name]Justin[/name]/[name]Jacob[/name]/[name]Jonathan[/name] name and I think it works and isn’t obnoxious. My extended family has a thing with C’s that I think is pretty awesome. Within a household, for some reason, I think it’s kinda cheesy for everyone to have the same first initial, but when it’s a whole clan, it’s pretty cool. In summation, I think you guys are overthinking the J thing. [name]Jude[/name] is the only name that you both love. The answer seems pretty clear to me. [name]Jude[/name], [name]Jude[/name], [name]Jude[/name]!

I think [name]Silas[/name], [name]Jonah[/name], [name]Jude[/name], or [name]Canaan[/name] are all workable.

I think you are correct that [name]Maverick[/name] is to be avoided. Older people will think of the 50’s tv show, the [name]Mel[/name] [name]Gibson[/name] movie, or the McCain/[name]Palin[/name] campaign, and his peers will perceive it as being a bit over the top, especially if he turns out to be a quiet kid.

Other strong names include
