What’s everyone’s take on the boy name [name_m]Pratt[/name_m]?
If you look it up, it says it’s a slang term for an idiot in [name_f]England[/name_f], but I’m in the US so it doesn’t register as such for me. It’s the name of the street DH and I got married on, so I like the connection there, but wanted to get some impartial input.
I think it works as a middle name, but I’m not a fan as a first.
[name_m]Even[/name_m] being an American, i occasionally use “prat” in place of idiot and other more vulgar synonyms, so I wouldn’t risk it as a first name. Secondly, my mind immediately goes to [name_u]Chris[/name_u] [name_m]Pratt[/name_m]. He’s such a major star right now that I think most people’s thoughts would go there immediately.
I think I’ve heard it used enough as an insult that it was my first thought when I saw the thread. I wouldn’t use it to be safe. What would you tell the child when they found out that their name had that meaning elsewhere? Kids can be so cruel, if any kids discovered that meaning, your child would never escape that.
I agree with @lonestar—I’m American, and pretty well aware that “prat” is an insult. [name_m]Even[/name_m] if I wasn’t, it sounds enough like “brat” that I wouldn’t use it. The [name_u]Chris[/name_u] [name_m]Pratt[/name_m] association is another thing to be aware of (and his parents probably should have thought about it before naming their son “crisp rat,” lol.)
Maybe you’d like [name_m]Platte[/name_m] instead? It’s the name of a river in Nebraska.
Yeah the name is really based upon the street, so I’m not necessarily going for the sound or the feel (and I’ve never been to Nebraska so it doesn’t resonate for me). I guess I’m the only “prat” who doesn’t realize it’s an insult hahaha
[name_m]Don[/name_m]'t name your child [name_m]Pratt[/name_m]. It may not be a widely used insult in the US, but what happens when he travels to the UK or meets someone from the UK? He has to introduce himself as Idiot.
I live in [name_m]Britain[/name_m] and this name would never be used here as prat is a word meaning idiot and a term for one’s behind. However if you live in the US this may not be important.