Baby brother name help!!

See the results of this poll: Narrowed down to 4 names, please help!

Respondents: 33 (This poll is closed)

  • Asa : 11 (26%)
  • Holden : 13 (31%)
  • Hugo : 12 (29%)
  • Oskar: 6 (14%)

Although I like all of your names, I don’t care for any with [name]Lane[/name]. People will think [name]Lane[/name] is a girl next to the names you’ve listed. I chose [name]Asa[/name] because it’s the softest. If you don’t mind the gender confusion I think [name]Lane[/name] & [name]Hugo[/name] or [name]Lane[/name] & [name]Holden[/name] are nice

I like all of your names so it’s hard to decide. I love [name]Lane[/name] too and it’s unisex so I don’t find it confusing! The girls names is usually spelled [name]Laine[/name]. I’m going to rate your four names by how well they “fit” with [name]Lane[/name]'s name.

1 [name]Holden[/name] - [name]Lane[/name] and [name]Holden[/name] are two surnames so I think they go well together

2 [name]Asa[/name] - I like the “ay” sound that connects the two boys

3 [name]Hugo[/name] - I love this name. It’s spunky but with a European sophistication

4 [name]Oskar[/name] - I prefer [name]Oscar[/name] but I don’t think this is the best choice with [name]Lane[/name]

I love them all! And honestly, I think they all go great with [name]Lane[/name], too. Stylistically, I can see [name]Lane[/name] and [name]Asa[/name] being brothers the easiest, but I like [name]Oskar[/name]/[name]Oscar[/name] and [name]Holden[/name] best, personally. [name]Hugo[/name] is lovely, though, too, and goes really well with [name]Lane[/name]!

Good luck!

While I think [name]Hugo[/name] is very different in style to [name]Lane[/name] I think [name]Hugo[/name] is a great name so that gets my vote! It’s classy but quirky and works well on a baby and a man.