So right about now is when I really wish we had gone with a traditional or at least more common names for our sons! We named our almost 5 year old [name]North[/name] (PLEASE don’t mention [name]Kim[/name] and [name]Kanye[/name] or I will be forced to drink which my midwife frowns on) and then when we learned we were having [name]Baby[/name] Boy #2 we thought it would be silly to have a [name]North[/name] and [name]Bob[/name]/[name]Joe[/name]/[name]Steve[/name]/[name]Phil[/name]…you get the point. We decided on [name]Everest[/name]…similar in that we felt they were both strong, masculine, aspirational names that people have heard of and know how to spell but were still rather unique. Now we are expecting again and at 29 weeks pregnant still at a loss. ANY help would be great. There are so many beautiful boy names out there but trying to find one that evokes the same feeling (without leaving seeming like we are mountaineers, which we are not, trust me…I would much rather order room service than go camping) as [name]North[/name] and [name]Everest[/name] has been really difficult. ANY help would be very very very appreciated. Oh, our last name is [name]Joyce[/name].
Mom to [name]North[/name] and [name]Everest[/name] [name]Joyce[/name]