Baby girl #3 list narrowed down to 6!

So here are my current top 6 names for baby girl #3 (due in [name]January[/name]):


Wondering what everyone thinks about the “wearability” of these names or just general impressions that might help me decide on just one!

My favorites are [name]Dahlia[/name] and [name]Hazel[/name]. I love, love, love Dahlias – gorgeous flower, and recognizable but still rare as a name. [name]Hazel[/name] is just my style, old-fashioned and sweet.

I also like [name]Celia[/name], [name]Thandie[/name] and [name]Scarlett[/name]. Aedra is my least favorite b/c it sounds like a blend of [name]Ada[/name] and [name]Audra[/name], and I like each of those names more than Aedra.

Congratulations and good luck!

[name]Celia[/name] - I really like [name]Celia[/name], I’m actually thinking of adding it to my own list. I think it has a beautiful, classic feel to it, but it isn’t popular.

[name]Thandie[/name] - I like this, I think it’s cute, BUT it does kind of look like someone with a lisp trying to say [name]Sandy[/name]…

[name]Scarlett[/name] - this is the number one name on our list, so of course I love it :slight_smile:

[name]Dahlia[/name] - I really like [name]Dahlia[/name]! It would be on my list if my boyfriend’s last name didn’t start with a D

[name]Hazel[/name] - [name]Hazel[/name] is on my possible middles list. I think it’s sweet, pretty, and underused.

Aedra - this is the one name on your list that I dont like. It doesn’t seem like something you’d name a child, but something you’d name your video game character…

I hope this was helpful, at least a little bit.

  • [name]Kylee[/name]

[name]Celia[/name] – This is a pretty name, but there is just something about it that I don’t quite like.
[name]Thandie[/name] – Never heard of this one before! Its nice, if a little unusual, but it will probably be misheard more often than not.
[name]Scarlett[/name] – This name always sounded a bit too crisp to me.
[name]Dahlia[/name] – Really light and pretty! The flowers are beautiful. I have a flower name and I really like having a connection to a beautiful flower.
[name]Hazel[/name] – Really nice name! I love how soft and pretty it is.
Aedra – This makes me think sci-fi. Not as nice as your other options.

Oh, and I know you are trying to narrow your list…but I can’t help thinking that you might like [name]Willa[/name], [name]Althea[/name], and [name]Thea[/name].

[name]Hope[/name] this helps!

[name]Celia[/name] is lovely. It’s simple, easy to spell and known. It’s a nice name and very wearable.

[name]Thandie[/name] is just a no to me. A lot of people will assume it’s pronounced with a th- when it’s a hard t- sound. She’ll get speech impediment [name]Sandy[/name] a lot when others say her name after seeing it written. Not the most wearable name.

[name]Scarlett[/name] is nice. It’s becoming more common, which I’m happy for. The Scar- throws me off, it seems violent and dirty.

[name]Dahlia[/name] is gorgeous. Very wearable.

Ditto for [name]Hazel[/name].

Aedra is pretty, but it looks misspelled. Might not be the most wearable, she’ll always be spelling it for people. Have you considered [name]Phaedra[/name]?

I’m with the others for the most part. I think Aedra is the least wearable. I think that it does feel kind of Final [name]Fantasy[/name]. It’s ok, just my least favorite on your list. From there, I think [name]Scarlett[/name] is my second least favorite. It’s a beautiful name, but I think that it just doesn’t quite compare to the others on your list. [name]Thandie[/name] is very unique and you simply don’t hear it often, but I still think that it is wearable. [name]Dahlia[/name] and [name]Hazel[/name] are beautiful nature names but not yet overused. Of the two, I prefer [name]Dahlia[/name]. But my favorite of all of your names is [name]Celia[/name]. It’s been a long time contender for myself and I think it’s simply beautiful. I would love to see it used a bit more often. Either way, it will be a hard decision to make with a list of such lovely names. Good luck :slight_smile:

[name]Celia[/name] is just beautiful!

[name]Scarlett[/name] and [name]Dahlia[/name] are my favourites!

[name]Scarlett[/name] fits in well with other modern and popular names such as [name]Charlotte[/name] and [name]Violet[/name] so it’s very usable.

[name]Celia[/name] and [name]Thandie[/name] aren’t my style.

Aedra is an odd one, much prefer [name]Audrey[/name]/[name]Ada[/name] etc.

I like [name]Celia[/name], [name]Dahlia[/name] and [name]Hazel[/name] ([name]Hazel[/name] is my favorite!). [name]Scarlett[/name] is a great name too, just NMS. I would not recommend [name]Thandie[/name] or Aedra, as [name]Thandie[/name] seems kind of nickname-ish and cutesy, and Aedra just seems incomplete or misspelled or something.

I say go with [name]Hazel[/name]! It’s very wearable for a modern little girl. Plus, it’s got a sweet sound while still taken completely seriously. It’s a name that ages perfectly [name]IMO[/name]- it sounds fresh and fun on a little girl, yet no hiring manager would balk at hiring a [name]Hazel[/name]. I say it’s pretty near perfect :slight_smile:


I love [name]Celia[/name], [name]Scarlett[/name], and [name]Dahlia[/name] and could see any one of them as easy to wear. I love the look of [name]Thandie[/name], but when I say it out I feel like I have a lisp. [name]Hazel[/name] and Aedra I can’t say I am fans of. [name]Hazel[/name] is a bit too dingy for me, and Aedra just seems kind of cr8tiv and trendy.

[name]Scarlett[/name]! (My daughter’s name) It’s just so feminine and wears well!

What are her sister’s names? That might help… My favorites from your list are [name]Scarlett[/name] and [name]Dahlia[/name], the others sound old fashioned. I like Aedra, but is it too unusual with your other daughters? Good luck!

Thanks for all of the opinions. It is nice to hear others’ first impressions of these names!

My picks in order are:

  1. [name]Dahlia[/name] – [name]Love[/name] love love! Beautiful flower, beautiful name.
  2. [name]Scarlett[/name] – Romantic
  3. [name]Hazel[/name] – This is a family name, and I think it’s lovely.
  4. [name]Celia[/name] – I prefer [name]Cecilia[/name] / [name]Cecelia[/name]
  5. Aedra – This seems a little trendy to me. I like the way it sounds though. If I’m pronouncing it right, sounds like a feminine version of [name]Aidan[/name].
  6. [name]Thandie[/name] – I’m not fond of this, I’m sorry.

[name]Celia[/name] is so pretty! It’s on my list. I also like [name]Scarlett[/name], [name]Dahlia[/name], and [name]Hazel[/name], but not nearly as much. I’m not sure how to pronouce Aedra, but its definitely nms. [name]Thandie[/name] sounds incomplete to me, but it could be a cute nickname.

[name]Celia[/name] and [name]Dahlia[/name] are my faves from your list.
[name]Celia[/name] may be asked if her name is short for [name]Cecilia[/name] though. It is super cute though!
[name]Dahlia[/name] is just lovely.
[name]Thandie[/name] seems too nicknamey. [name]Scarlett[/name] is too popular and has always seemed harsh, due to the fact that it starts with the word scar…best used as mn, I think. [name]Charlotte[/name] or [name]Violet[/name] are similar and are softer sounding.
[name]Hazel[/name] - ugh! Aedra - not sure how to pronounce - will have trouble with spelling
It would help to know your other girls’ names…

[name]Celia[/name] or [name]Hazel[/name]

[name]Celia[/name] is my absolute favorite. It’s classic, beautiful, Shakespearean, and underused! I’ve always preferred [name]Celia[/name] to [name]Cecelia[/name]/[name]Cecilia[/name] because I find the latter too frilly and over the top.

I like both scarlett and hazel. Aedrea and thandie seem a bit too far out.

I really like [name]Thandie[/name]. I thought most people would get that it’s pronounced like [name]Tandy[/name] because of the actress [name]Thandie[/name] [name]Newton[/name]. I guess it would be a bit of a headache. And although it’s a complete name, it does sound like a nickname.

[name]Dahlia[/name] is my next favorite. :slight_smile: