Baby Girl has a name!

After months of research, debate and back and forth; today at our level 3 ultrasound , hubby and I were finally able to come to a meeting of the hearts and minds :slight_smile: we are so thankful that all looked well with our precious baby!

Her name will be: [name]Caroline[/name] [name]Augusta[/name] [name]Jane[/name]

So [name]Caroline[/name] we have loved for years… I worried about pronunciation, but when I couldn’t get hubby on board with [name]Charlotte[/name], decided to let my worries go.

[name]Augusta[/name] was my hubby’s grandmothers’ name… I have always loved it…and we love to be able to honor family, it came out of hubby’s mouth, and it just clicked.

Finally [name]Jane[/name], at first we considered [name]Joy[/name], but I didn’t love the low with [name]Augusta[/name], and [name]Jane[/name] honors so many on both sides with a precious meaning to boot :slight_smile:

There were so many wonderful name combos suggested, I loved so many…but we both agreed that this one stole our hearts! It gives me my vintage, classic appeal (at least in my mind) and hubby…well, I guess it just gives him what he wants, LOL! My family has already cringed at [name]Augusta[/name] ( my grandmother said " that’s a boy name") though I can not understand why, I do honestly think it is so pretty…ah, guess you can’t please them all.

Thank you so much to all of you for you wonderful input, thoughts and suggestions!p A special thank you to my dear friends, here ( you know who you are :wink: ) who patiently messaged back and forth with me! I am so excited that she has a name! :slight_smile:

Congratulations! I love her name. [name]Augusta[/name] is beautiful and not a boy’s name. :slight_smile: Yes, you can’t please them all!

Congratulations! What a fantastic name :slight_smile:

So happy for you for having found a named you love. [name]Caroline[/name] [name]Augusta[/name] [name]Jane[/name] is adorable!

Thank you! I am so thrilled!

Congratulations! [name]Caroline[/name] [name]Augusta[/name] [name]Jane[/name] is just lovely, I’m happy you finally found your name. And [name]Caroline[/name] works so well with all your other girls (and your boys, too!). All the best with the rest of your pregnancy. :slight_smile:

Great name! You may want to remind your family that [name]Augusta[/name] is the feminine form of the male name [name]August[/name]. Congratulations! :slight_smile:

Congratulations! I think that’s a beautiful combo. I just love [name]Augusta[/name], she is gorgeous!

Gorgeous name! [name]Glad[/name] you were able to decide.

[name]Caroline[/name] [name]Augusta[/name] [name]Jane[/name] is a gorgeous vintage combo! I’m glad you finally decided. Now you can relax and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy! Let us know when she’s here! Good luck!

I’m kind of swooning over here. Such a lovely name!

[name]Love[/name], love, love [name]LOVE[/name]!! Have I mentioned I [name]LOVE[/name] it?? [name]How[/name] gorgeous! And it honors family <3 Perfection :slight_smile:

Thank you. :slight_smile:

After doing a little digging, just discovered a literary connection, :slight_smile: through [name]Caddie[/name] Woodlawn, whose name was [name]Caroline[/name] [name]Augusta[/name]… That made me smile!

You’ve picked a gorgeous name!! [name]Augusta[/name] is one of my ultra favorites and is ALL GIRL. Congratulations!!

What a beautiful, strong, happy name! Congratulations!

My grandmother sent me a message, saying she is sure [name]Augusta[/name] is a boy name…
I replied, it is absolutely not, but even if it was, we are still using it, love you :slight_smile:

Woohoo! So beautiful!

I am so thrilled for you!! I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Caroline[/name] [name]Augusta[/name] [name]Jane[/name], it is so classy. She is a lucky girl to have such a beautiful name and kudos to you for finding such a stunning combo, you have really raised the naming stakes here on nameberry.

I think that her name works so beautifully with your other children’s names too. You are very clever.

Sending you hugs and my very best wishes!!


Always loving [name]Caroline[/name]. [name]Glad[/name] you found “the one”. [name]Lovely[/name] choice :slight_smile: