Baby girl name - Suggestions Welcome, Advice Appreciated :)

See the results of this poll: Which one sounds best?

Respondents: 31 (This poll is closed)

  • Evie Nicole: 6 (19%)
  • Brynn Nicole: 4 (13%)
  • Berlin Nicole: 0 (0%)
  • Eden Nicole: 10 (32%)
  • Petra Nicole: 11 (35%)

[name]Petra[/name] [name]Nicole[/name] is adorable!

[name]Evie[/name] - I love this, but I really think it deserves a full name. [name]How[/name] about [name]Evelyn[/name], [name]Evangeline[/name], [name]Eve[/name] or [name]Eva[/name]? My favourite is [name]Evelyn[/name], but they are all pretty!

[name]Brynn[/name] - I find this name slightly masculine, to be honest. I also think it comes with a bit of a trendy feel, though I know it doesn’t have a trendy background. I prefer it as a middle name, I think.

[name]Berlin[/name] - I really think of this as a place, and find it hard imagining a child named this, but I think it is a unique alternative!

[name]Eden[/name] - I love [name]Eden[/name]! I also love the nickname [name]Edie[/name], possibly as an alternative to [name]Evie[/name].

[name]Petra[/name] - This is my least favourite from your list. I just find it the least attractive.

So, from your list my favourite is [name]Eden[/name] nn [name]Edie[/name], though if [name]Evie[/name] had a full name, I think it would be my favourite.

[name]Just[/name] as a suggestion, do like [name]Sarah[/name] nn [name]Sadie[/name]? I think this is cute and might be your taste.

Good luck!

Bounce :slight_smile:

Definitely [name]Petra[/name]! The rest are very trendy/tryndeigh. [name]Evie[/name] would be great if it had a full name, [name]Brynn[/name] is a boy’s name, [name]Berlin[/name] is a city, and [name]Eden[/name] is a place. I really like [name]Petra[/name], though-- it’d be great to see a little [name]Petra[/name] :slight_smile:

Thanks to all! Although I think it makes me more confused! Thanks for the suggestions. I wouldn’t do [name]Sarah[/name] because it’s too close to my name. Any other suggestions of “different” names would be great. Something that goes with my sons name. [name]Heath[/name] [name]Edward[/name]. I like “different” without “weird” :slight_smile:

I love [name]Petra[/name] and actually went to college with a girl named [name]Petra[/name] who loved her name because she had never met another [name]Petra[/name].
[name]Petra[/name] [name]Nichole[/name] sounds like a nice name and she can always fall back on the classic [name]Nichole[/name] if she chooses too.
I do like [name]Brynn[/name] and [name]Berlin[/name], and they go well with [name]Heath[/name], but I still favor [name]Petra[/name] more.
[name]Eden[/name] and [name]Evie[/name] are just too, I don’t know, popular maybe.
Here are a few names that I think go well with [name]Nichole[/name], you can ignore them if they only confuse you more:

  1. [name]Brooklyn[/name] [name]Nichole[/name]
  2. [name]Freya[/name] [name]Nichole[/name]
  3. [name]Savannah[/name] [name]Nichole[/name]

Congrats on your baby!

I chose [name]Evie[/name] [name]Nicole[/name], but with hopes that [name]Evie[/name] is just a nn :slight_smile:

I agree that [name]Brynn[/name] feels “trendy”
[name]Eden[/name] sort of feels trendy, but I think it is going to get more popular.
With [name]Petra[/name], it makes me think of Petrified…

Other names to go with [name]Heath[/name]:
[name]Josephine[/name] ([name]Josie[/name])
[name]Farrah[/name] (okay, at first I thought this sounded nice with [name]Heath[/name], but then I thought of the two actors and decided this probably wouldn’t be good)

[name]Petra[/name] and [name]Heath[/name] are great!

The only concern I would have with this list is what the names are going to be like for your daughter when she is an adult…

I debated between [name]Evie[/name] and [name]Petra[/name] and finally voted for [name]Evie[/name], hoping, as others did, that it was a nickname for a full name, such as [name]Evelyn[/name] or [name]Evette[/name].


[name]Brynn[/name] and [name]Eden[/name] feel slightly trendy to me, and [name]Berlin[/name] is more of a place than a name, in my opinion. Sorry! Also, the “N” sounds in, let’s say, [name]Brynn[/name] [name]Nicole[/name] cancel each other out. So, that leaves [name]Petra[/name] and [name]Evie[/name]. [name]Evie[/name] is cute, but I think that [name]Petra[/name] would work age much better, so [name]Petra[/name] gets my vote!

Good luck! :slight_smile: