Baby girl name: vote! 💗

•Hello all :blush:

•I’m expecting twins in [name_f]May[/name_f], and I recently found out that I’m having a baby boy and a baby girl! I’ve chosen the name for baby boy, but I’m a little bit unsettled on a girl’s name.

•Please leave a comment below with your favorite name from my list, and let me know why. I’m curious to see opinions and possible nicknames. Have a wonderful day!

(Last name is Christensen - I’ve chosen [name_f]Loretta[/name_f] [name_f]Ann[/name_f] as an honors middle name)

Top 4:



Aibhlinn (traditional [name_u]Irish[/name_u] spelling - pronounced Ave-leen)



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[name_f]Rosaline[/name_f] is my favourite - sleek, sharp and elegant with a discreet literary vibe.

[name_f]Rosie[/name_f], [name_f]Rose[/name_f], [name_f]Roz[/name_f], [name_f]Sally[/name_f], [name_f]Lina[/name_f], [name_u]Rye[/name_u], [name_f]Ro[/name_f] as nn - or maybe [name_m]Rolo[/name_m], [name_u]Ronnie[/name_u], [name_u]Rori[/name_u] (as more stretchy ones or using middles)

Such a difficult choice!! All your names are gorgeous!

I’m not sure where you’re from, but if you’re from Ireland then Aibhlinn is my favourite! It has a warm, sweet sound, that’s familiar yet unique. Avie (ay-vee) and Aylie and Linnie are really cute nicknames!

But if you don’t live in Ireland, then my favourite is probably Rosaline! Sweet, classic, feminine but not too frilly, easy to wear and with so many wonderful nicknames (the previous poster mentioned them all, so I won’t be repeating them!).

Daylily was a close second - it’s a bit less classic but so lively, colourful and sunny

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I love [name_f]Rosaline[/name_f] (you don’t mention pronunciation, my favourite is the Shakespearean roz-ah-line rather than rose-a-leen but both are pretty!) and next choice would be [name_f]Daylily[/name_f] - such a lovely unexpected twist on the popular [name_f]Lily[/name_f].

[name_f]My[/name_f] favorite name on the list is [name_f]Rosaline[/name_f]. It’s sleek, elegant, fresh, romantic, and charming. I do prefer the -leen pronunciation but the -line pronunciation is good too! [name_f]My[/name_f] second choice would be [name_f]Dahlia[/name_f]. I think it flows the best with [name_f]Loretta[/name_f] [name_f]Ann[/name_f], and is sweet and underrated but lovely.

I’m in between [name_f]Daylily[/name_f] and [name_f]Rosaline[/name_f] but I’m leaning towards [name_f]Daylily[/name_f].

I love [name_f]Dahlia[/name_f] and Aibhlinn!

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[name_f]Rosaline[/name_f] is just one of the most beautiful names ever! How are you pronouncing it? I personally favor “rose-a-leen”

[name_f]Dahlia[/name_f] is gorgeous. Mellifluous and darkly beautiful.


[name_f]Dahlia[/name_f] and [name_f]Rosaline[/name_f] are my favorites out of your top choices.
I would go with [name_f]Dahlia[/name_f] [name_f]Loretta[/name_f] [name_f]Ann[/name_f] if you are pronouncing [name_f]Rosaline[/name_f] as (roz-ah-lynn) but I would go with [name_f]Rosaline[/name_f] [name_f]Loretta[/name_f] [name_f]Ann[/name_f] if you are pronouncing [name_f]Rosaline[/name_f] as (rose-uh-leen).

These all feel very different styles to me, so I guess it depends on what feel you want. [name_f]My[/name_f] personal favourite is [name_f]Rosaline[/name_f] though.

[name_f]Dahlia[/name_f] is my favorite name in the group. It’s a lovely list! [name_f]Daylily[/name_f] is so catchy and has good flow!

[name_f]Dahlia[/name_f] !

Others I love: [name_f]Deliah[/name_f], Deliliah, and [name_f]Daphne[/name_f]

[name_u]Love[/name_u] [name_f]Dahlia[/name_f] :two_hearts:

dahlia is lovely and so underused!