Baby Martin (After Grandpa)

We are Jewish so please understand some of the middle name choices. We love these names.

[name]Martin[/name] [name]Andrew[/name]
[name]Martin[/name] [name]Asa[/name]
[name]Martin[/name] [name]Abner[/name]
[name]Martin[/name] [name]Brett[/name]
[name]Martin[/name] [name]Clarence[/name]
[name]Martin[/name] [name]Clifford[/name]
[name]Martin[/name] [name]Curtis[/name]
[name]Martin[/name] [name]David[/name]


Given that you don’t like the repeating same sound in the first syllable of the first and middle names, I would think [name]Martin[/name] [name]Andrew[/name] and [name]Martin[/name] [name]Abner[/name] might not be your favorites? I actually really like those two, and I think they are great names. I also really like [name]Martin[/name] [name]David[/name].
[name]EDIT[/name]- After saying the names outloud, I guess they aren’t really the same “a” sounds in [name]Martin[/name] and [name]Andrew[/name] and [name]Abner[/name], so it probably isn’t a factor. I love them!

Yes that isn’t the same. [name]Martin[/name] [name]MAR[/name] tin AN-drewn. The A sound is said like R and [name]Andrew[/name] is [name]AH[/name]. [name]Martin[/name] [name]Abner[/name] again R and [name]AH[/name]. See if we used [name]Martin[/name] [name]Carl[/name] , [name]Martin[/name] [name]Charles[/name] ext that would not be good.

Given that you don’t like the repeating same sound in the first syllable of the first and middle names, I would think [name]Martin[/name] [name]Andrew[/name] and [name]Martin[/name] [name]Abner[/name] might not be your favorites? I actually really like those two, and I think they are great names. I also really like [name]Martin[/name] [name]David[/name].
[name]EDIT[/name]- After saying the names outloud, I guess they aren’t really the same “a” sounds in [name]Martin[/name] and [name]Andrew[/name] and [name]Abner[/name], so it probably isn’t a factor. I love them![/quote]

I really like [name]Martin[/name] [name]Asa[/name]. [name]Martin[/name] [name]Abner[/name] is nice too.

[name]LOVE[/name] the name [name]Martin[/name]! Personally, my vote is for [name]Martin[/name] [name]Abner[/name].

[name]Martin[/name] [name]Andrew[/name] is very nice

I like [name]Martin[/name] [name]Clarence[/name] and [name]Martin[/name] [name]Curtis[/name].

[name]Martin[/name] [name]Clarence[/name]! I actually know a [name]Clarence[/name] [name]Martin[/name], so got a kick out of seeing [name]Martin[/name] [name]Clarence[/name] which was actually once on our list for a boy.

[name]Martin[/name] [name]Andrew[/name] is both my dad’s and my grandad’s name! Haha. Personally, I’d go for [name]Martin[/name] [name]Abner[/name].

I like [name]Martin[/name] [name]Abner[/name]: unusual but classy. – [name]Christy[/name] ([name]Margaret[/name])

I like [name]Martin[/name] [name]David[/name] & [name]Martin[/name] [name]Andrew[/name].

Wow, I really like [name]Martin[/name] [name]Clarence[/name]. What a classy name. It sounds so cool and calm. I like it! Good choices :slight_smile:

I love [name]Martin[/name] – it’s a great name. My favs are [name]Martin[/name] [name]Abner[/name] (perfection!) and [name]Martin[/name] [name]Clarence[/name].