Baby name Baptiste

Hello! We are thinking of calling our boy [name_m]Baptiste[/name_m] Léon, as we have a [name_m]French[/name_m] speaking background. However, we live in a very English speaking community. Thoughts? We would love to hear what you think!

I do think that were could be some pronunciation issues, but I don’t think that you should have to give up a name that means something to you just for that reason. Honestly, once people hear the name more, it shouldn’t be an issue. From personal experience…my friend, [name_f]Anika[/name_f], has Dutch background. When we first met, I could never remember her name or how to pronounce it. However, once I started spending more time with her, there were no issues :slight_smile: I know [name_f]Anika[/name_f] isn’t as different as [name_m]Baptiste[/name_m] (to me it was though lol), but I think the premise stands.

[name_m]Baptiste[/name_m] Léon is a very handsome name! As a previous poster said, I think once people hear the proper pronunciation, it won’t be a problem. You’ll likely have to repeat it a few times, but it’s not a tricky name even for someone who doesn’t speak [name_m]French[/name_m].

I think it’s fine - unusual to English ears maybe but not at all difficult to say or spell. [name_m]Baptiste[/name_m] Léon is a very handsome name!

Not sure if [name_m]Baptiste[/name_m] more “normal” in [name_m]French[/name_m] speaking countries but it just seems too out there
Im not sure how I should pronounce Léon but I do really ike [name_m]Leon[/name_m] so I cant not like this as a name, maybe its leh-ON? Its the Greek way of pronouncing [name_m]Leon[/name_m], I really like it

Thanks a lot! This is really helpful

I don’t find any pronunciation issue with [name_m]Baptiste[/name_m] Léon. It’s a handsome name

I adore [name_m]Baptiste[/name_m], it’s such a handsome name and it flows well with Léon. I think the only problem with Léon is that [name_m]Leon[/name_m] (the English version) is very very middle-aged/dated, but I think Léon is much more handsome and definitely usable!

Strongly disagree with [name_m]Leon[/name_m] being dated, the only [name_m]Leons[/name_m] I know are under 30 - if I remember rightly, they’re 7, a teenager, and a few 20-something year olds.

I find [name_m]Baptiste[/name_m] overly religious imo but the combo itself is great. Léon is pretty straightforward if you ask me.

I like it, actually! I think it is charming and uncommon. The pronunciation seems intuitive to me.

It’s a little out there for me, but its usable so if it has meaning to you then use it!