Has anyone had baby name remorse? Did you get over it? Did you change your baby’s name? If you did change it was it difficult to get used to the new name?
[name_f]Io[/name_f] I did with my sons name, he was a [name_m]Jr[/name_m], so I felt bad not giving him his own identity…
We are from Usa too, Ohio… And [name_f]Natalia[/name_f] is an awesome name ( might be because we named our daughter [name_f]Natalie[/name_f]
. Honestly, [name_f]Natalia[/name_f] is much prettier, we agreed on [name_f]Natalie[/name_f] so it would match closer to her brother [name_m]Robert[/name_m]… But, their nicknames are ‘[name_m]Bear[/name_m]-Toe’ (like [name_m]Roberto[/name_m]) and her is “[name_f]Talia[/name_f]” (like [name_f]Natalia[/name_f]) lol !!
I am of [name_m]German[/name_m] and Italian heritage and my husband is a [name_m]French[/name_m], Italian, Polish… And we have a [name_m]French[/name_m] last name…
Her name is not hard to figure out at all, so I’m not sure how people aren’t able to figure it out !!
I’m sorry you feel so puzzled… You should do what you think is best… But, honestly its an awesome name !!!
What’s her middle name ??
She doesn’t have a middle name. Thank you for replying. Thank you for replying. I edited my post I thought nobody was answering because it was too long
Yeah I did get over it with my son too we gave him his own string of much names; [name_u]Robby[/name_u], [name_m]Rob[/name_m]-o, [name_m]Bear[/name_m], [name_m]Roberto[/name_m]/ [name_m]Berto[/name_m]… Lol
But like you said she is young enough it wouldn’t be a big deal… Maybe, more so for you it would be …
Is there any nicknames you have for her ??
[name_f]Natalia[/name_f] is versatile
- [name_f]Talia[/name_f]
- [name_u]Tally[/name_u]
- [name_f]Tilly[/name_f]
- Nay
- [name_u]Nat[/name_u]
- [name_u]Nat[/name_u]é (sounds like " Nah-tay")
- [name_u]Ali[/name_u], [name_f]Ally[/name_f],
- [name_f]Lia[/name_f], ([name_f]Leah[/name_f])
- [name_f]Tia[/name_f]
- [name_f]Nia[/name_f], (like [name_f]Mia[/name_f])
The only nicknames I have for her are not related to her name but I can’t call her those names forever. When I refer to her I say “the baby”. [name_m]How[/name_m] do you pronounce [name_f]Talia[/name_f] for your daughter? Is it Tall-ya? I’m glad you got over it. Maybe because the name had meaning to you. I hope I get over it too.
The name had not much of a meaning to us, it grew on me. My hunny liked it, and I was so indecisive, yeah tall-ya, tall-e-ah… lol … What names could you see yourself and your husband calling her??
[name_m]Even[/name_m] though I regret her name it’s difficult to see her as anything else but I still wish I can change it and be happy. My favorite names are [name_f]Alexandra[/name_f] and [name_f]Victoria[/name_f] but I don’t know if they go well with her original name as a middle. I wish I loved a short name that way I can call her by her first and middle together until I get used to her new first name.
I also like [name_f]Adriana[/name_f]
What’s her name? I’ve read other forums of people with name regret, some people changed them and were so happy they did. Others get over it. [name_m]Just[/name_m] gotta decide what makes you happy and what fits your baby!
Natalia. I know it’s a nice name and many people like it but I feel like it doesn’t suite her and I don’t like the English pronounciation
Bumping for suggestions or words of encouragement please
I did. I had my oldest son young and decided to give him up for adoption. I changed my mind, but I’d already filled out the birth certificate with the name the adoptive family chose. I did end up changing his middle name (very easy in the first year), but had gotten so used to calling him by their FN choice that I couldn’t change it. Looking back, I wished I’d renamed him [name_m]William[/name_m] [name_m]Anthony[/name_m] and just used [name_m]Liam[/name_m] as his NN (as does he. he hates having a no nickname options.), but c’est la vie.
I don’t have any children, so I’ve never experienced name regret. But I can only imagine. It sounds like it would be very difficult.
I’ve heard often from parent’s who don’t “love” their child’s name like they first did or from parent’s who say their naming style has totally changed since they named their first child, that though they would never choose that name today, they still love the name because their child has really grown into the name and makes that name special.
I’d say if you have name regret, go with your gut. If it just doesn’t feel right, then change it. If you’re unsure, then stick with it and see if that child really grows into the name and you grow to love it.
I did! I have two children, a boy and a girl. With my son, named [name_m]Jacob[/name_m] I did but it wasn’t to bad, and I never wanted to change his name. It was really bad with my daughter. At birth we named her [name_f]Anna[/name_f] [name_f]Maria[/name_f], and I loved it but after I started thinking about it [name_f]Anna[/name_f] and [name_f]Maria[/name_f] are SO common and there was nothing original about her name. There was no special meaning behind it, and I didn’t look very hard for the perfect name. When she was about 6 months we changed her name to [name_u]Valentine[/name_u] [name_u]Elice[/name_u]. I’ve never regretted changing her name, and I’m very glad I did.
I really like the change! Beautiful name. [name_m]Just[/name_m] out of curiosity, how did your family and friends take you changing your daughter’s name? Were they confused by it? Disagreed with it? Had trouble adjusting to the new name? Not that I disagree with it. It actually sounds like a situation I could see myself getting into one day lol. And I’m just super curious how others handled the decision to change it.