Baby name Soul?

I am not pregnant but I love looking at baby names. I recently came across the baby girl name Soul and I think it’s really cool! What are your thoughts? Is it useable? What sibling names would go good with Soul?

Silly and trying too hard.

Are you a big fan of word names?

Personally, I know I can’t trust my initial reaction to any word name.

I find all the “classic” word names I’m familiar with very tacky. “[name_u]River[/name_u]” “[name_u]Rain[/name_u]” “[name_u]Skye[/name_u]”. Initially I was intrigued by them but after hearing them over and over and realized they felt incredibly superficial. For me, I feel that there is no substance to a name that tells you exactly what it means.

So even when I hear a new one ([name_m]Atlas[/name_m] springs to mind) and I don’t initially shy away from it, I know it’s just neophilia, which wear off soon and then I’ll have a great distaste for the name.

Ask yourself if this rings any bells for you - if so word names may not be right for you.