Personally, I want to say, thank you Nameberry for endorsing a candidate that actually cares about the health of pregnant people around the country. Who believes that mothers should be protected over fetuses, if that is a choice a family makes, and who truly understands that the “freedom” we have in this country should protect the right to safe healthcare no matter ones beliefs.
It is of the upmost importance to ensure that the healthcare pregnant people are getting is one that protects them first and foremost. Families all over the country are loosing mothers because their access to abortion care (and even dilation and curettage procedures) is being taken away.
You cannot preach how important life is while simultaneously denying women life-saving healthcare, protecting the right to guns that are consistently causing the loss of so many precious children’s lives, and supporting genocide. You cannot talk about how much of a blessing children are while denying families access to IVF.
Choice is personal. You are allowed to chose not to have an abortion. It is not ever your place to tell someone what they should be doing with their body, especially if they are a child, a victim of assault, or are in medical danger. Please think logically on this issue.
It is not just an issue of religion or morals. It is not just an issue that stems from “Am I ready to have a baby or not?” It is not just an issue that can be looked at through the lens of “If I have an abortion, I will live. If I don’t, I will die.” There are so many circumstances that pregnant people are in all over the country that you could not imagine: abusive relationships (25% of women are abused for the first time during pregnancy, intimate partner violence has been proven to contribute to higher maternal-mortality rates), homelessness, being assaulted, etc. I have no right to tell them that they must continue out a pregnancy. It is not my place.
It is disgusting to put a blanket statement like this out, calling women who chose to have an abortion murderers. It is highly uneducated and extremely distasteful. Think logically, act with empathy, and most importantly, do not believe you have the authority to tell others what they can and cannot do with their bodies when the topic of life or death is on the line.
I won’t write more in this post, as I know it will most probably fall on deaf ears (let’s be real ), but I want you to know how much I disagree, and how happy I am that Nameberry publicly supports [name_f]Kamala[/name_f] [name_m]Harris[/name_m] and [name_m]Tim[/name_m] Walz.