hey i’m having trouble with some names im writing a story and need some help for the siblings names
the boy is rené jesse if you think of a better j middle name let me know!
the oldest girl is delphine joy
now i need help with the second girl her name is claudine j__ i need a j name for her middle name but i can’t think of any that’ll fit
and the youngest is arwen jane. if you have a better j middle name let me know!
i want them all to have nicknames like AJ, RJ, CJ, DJ
little backstory, their dad is french and mom is canadian !!
I like the sound of [name_f]Arwen[/name_f] [name_f]Jane[/name_f], but I also think [name_f]Arwen[/name_f] [name_f]Jemima[/name_f] would sound pretty awesome!