I have been lurking on here for a few weeks but have been hesitant to post as there seem to be a lot of trolls on this forum. BUT none the less everyone seems to have fantastic name ideas and suggestions.
My husband and I have 3 children. 2 Boys and 1 girl.
Our boys are [name]Jeremi[/name]@h nn [name]Jem[/name] (9), [name]Elias[/name] nn [name]Eli[/name] (5)
And our little princess is [name]Belen[/name] nn [name]Lenny[/name] (4)
I am currently 34 weeks pregnant with our 4 child and we cant seem to agree on ANYTHING! Our boys both have biblical names but only because we actually liked them, not just because they were biblical. We pronounce [name]Eli[/name]@s as [name]El[/name]-EYE-IS) Our daughter’s name means Bethlehem in Spanish. ( pronounced somewhat like BAYL-[name]LIN[/name] or like the first part of the name [name]Belinda[/name])
We both have some Hispanic roots and the name had a lot of meaning to our family.
We have no idea what name to choose now and we dont know what name would make our mix-mash of names feel like a unit!
We dont know if it will be a boy or girl! Any ideas for Girls names?
If it makes it any easier we dont want any names that begin with E, B or J ( and probably not L either as well call [name]Belen[/name] [name]Lenny[/name]).
It doesnt have to be biblical just a nice sounding name that bring something to our family of names!
I really love your children’s names and nn’s! Well, for a girl what about [name]Luz[/name], or [name]Lucia[/name]. These are beautiful! What about [name]Donte[/name] or [name]Giovanni[/name]/[name]Gio[/name] for a boy…these are 2 of my favorite names!
I also like these and they would go good with your children’s names too!
[name]Juan[/name] (I love this!)
[name]How[/name] about [name]Marisol[/name]? Also really like [name]Inez[/name] and [name]Rafaela[/name] for girls. For a boy, [name]Matteo[/name] might bridge Biblical/Hispanic.
Out of the ones listed I like ( and Husband did not veto) are:
[name]Inez[/name], [name]Lucia[/name], [name]Luz[/name], [name]Ramona[/name] and [name]Perla[/name]! Im worried about using L names as we call Belen “Lenny” a lot and Im not a fan of alliteration in sibling names.
I also worry that [name]Inez[/name] has too many similar sounds as [name]Elias[/name]?? What do you think?
I think its best that we take some time today and make of list of maybe 10 names that we like and get some more suggestions based on those!
I can imagine its hard to suggest names based on very little info
Thanks again! We will be back shortly ( hopefully) with some sort of list! (Hubby has taken the day off for my checkup and the 2 older kidos are at school and [name]Lenny[/name] is at her gramma’s so we might actually have some time to make a list!!!)