This baby is due in [name]June[/name]. If it’s a girl, my husband and I have tentatively decided on [name]Pearl[/name] [name]Anne[/name]-[name]Marie[/name]. My only concern is that some people may have that automatic old lady image when they hear the name. I think of a strong beauty with some spunk! What do you picture when you hear the name?
I [name]LOVE[/name] this name. I don’t know if you’ve heard the song [name]Pearl[/name] by [name]Katy[/name] [name]Perry[/name], but it gives a beautiful meaning to the word pearl. I don’t see an old lady image at all. I see a strong beautiful girl as well!!
[name]Love[/name] it! My [name]MIL[/name]'s name is [name]Perla[/name], so I think of her when I think of [name]Pearl[/name]. But she’s beautiful and a great [name]MIL[/name], so it’s a good image for me. I think [name]Pearl[/name] [name]Anne[/name]-[name]Marie[/name] is a fabulous name. I think it’s a name that will feel old to people when they first hear it and then feel perfect when they meet the baby.
I love the name [name]Pearl[/name]. I do not picture an old lady, I picture someone young. It also makes me think of the ocean, and of beaches, so it brings up good imagery for me.
[name]Pearl[/name] is one of my favorites as well. People generally won’t see an old lady after they meet your baby daughter [name]Pearl[/name].
[name]Pearl[/name] [name]Anne[/name]-[name]Marie[/name] is so gorgeous! I love it! Honestly, I do get a bit of an old lady-chic vibe with [name]Pearl[/name], mostly because it’s my grandmother’s middle name. But I also think [name]Pearl[/name] is getting to be more widely-accepted. A lot of celeb babies are being named [name]Pearl[/name] as a fn or mn. I see [name]Pearl[/name] becoming more commonplace and accepted as a “young” name. [name]Pearl[/name] [name]Anne[/name]-[name]Marie[/name] is a keeper!
Thanks ladies-you’re getting me excited about our choice
I think it’s great. We will be using it as a middle name if we have a girl. My husband’s great grandmother [name]Pearl[/name] turns 100 next year, the same year our baby will be born so we decided it was a cool way to honor her if we have a girl. It is also coming back around as trendy (in a good way) again. I think your choice is lovely.
I love [name]Pearl[/name]. I think of it as classic or “old-lady chic”.
Forget ‘old-lady’, it’s more than ready for a comeback. And it’s sooo sweet.
I agree with everyone else. It fits the vintage-chic trend without actually being a trendy name, so it sounds of-the-moment to me. Also, it is short, sweet, lovely, and easily recognizable! [name]Love[/name] it.
I do prefer [name]Annemarie[/name] spelled as one unhyphenated name, but that’s just my opinion. It’s lovely either way!
I love [name]Pearl[/name]. I met someone a couple of summers ago whose name was [name]Pearl[/name], so good association. [name]Anne[/name]-[name]Marie[/name] flows so nicely with [name]Pearl[/name], too.
pearl is great. [name]Anne[/name]-marie doesnt excite me but its nice.
I love [name]Pearl[/name]! She is one of my favorites.
I like Catreynolds’ idea of spelling [name]Anne[/name]-[name]Marie[/name] as [name]Annemarie[/name].