Baby/pregnancy Announcement Ideas šŸ„³

How did you go about announcing pregnancy, in particular a third?

  • Not pregnant but TTC 3rd next month.
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Iā€™m having my third. We waited till about 10 weeks before starting to spread the news; the first to hear was my younger brother, who lives several hundred miles away. We called him on his birthday. (He and I have a bit of a running joke, bc just SIX WEEKS after I got married, he texted me out of the blue to ask if I was pregnant yet. And I WAS!ā€“we got a honeymoon baby!ā€“but we hadnā€™t started telling people yet :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:)

Then we had a small family party for my bday 2 wks later, when we told my family. (And my other married brother and his wife were so sure weā€™d make an announcement that theyā€™d brought PINK AND BLUE CUPCAKES with ā€œ[name_u]Baby[/name_u] Lastnameā€ flags on top. Obviously I was hiding the news so well :rofl:)

Then a phone call to my husbandā€™s family, who lives out of state, on US Thanksgiving [name_u]Day[/name_u]; phone calls to the great-grandfathers; and then we starting telling friends, in person or via text depending on the situation. Contemplating a social media announcement, but Iā€™m not posting much lately.

So, long story short, we waited as long as we felt comfortable and then picked some special dates.

Thatā€™s lovely and congratulations :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:
I am hopeful we will TTC our third reasonably quick.

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With my first, we told family in person right around 12 wks. I donā€™t remember exactly how we led up to the reveal but I know we showed off the sonogram. Then we told our closest friends soon after telling immediate family. For that we took a picture of our kitty with the sonogram pic. The last person we told directly was my best friend. She had already been planning to come visit that summer so we decided to wait to tell her in person. We had just moved into our house the year before, so when she arrived we gave her a tour and the last room we showed her was the nursery :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.

When we have baby #2, my plan right now is to get our DD a ā€œBig [name_f]Sister[/name_f]ā€ type of shirt to wear. Iā€™m thinking when weā€™re ready to tell the grandparents, weā€™ll have her announce it with the shirt! Iā€™ll probably take a pic of her in the shirt to send to close friends and post on FB too :relaxed:. Nice and easy and celebrates the fact that [name_f]Ada[/name_f] will be a big sis too!


Thatā€™s so sweet showing your friend the nursery :star_struck:

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For two of mine my first and third the announcement came on [name_u]Christmas[/name_u].

For the first: we bought two gender neutral pacifiers. The first we wrapped in a bunch of plastic wrap and my husband crazily taped up the ball and we then wrapped it like a gift in regular wrapping paper. We gifted that to his parents. They knew exactly what that meant

With the second we attached a sign to it using some ribbon. The sign said something like, ā€œDear Grandma, Please hold onto this for me in case I need it. Knowing my mom she might forget. I canā€™t wait to meet you in [name_u]August[/name_u]. [name_u]Love[/name_u], your next grand baby.ā€ And we put all that into my moms stocking.

With our third- i was further along. So we turned his first ultrasound into an ornament and gifted each set of grandparents an ornament as their gift.

With my second we took a picture of my first born wearing an ā€œIā€™m a big brotherā€ shirt and had the picture turned into a puzzle that was then gifted as a birthday present to my MIL. We filled a little gift bag with just the pieces- I think she may have suspected the oddness to the gift as she wasted no time putting it together.

We ended up just face timing my family with my son wearing the shirt as that season of life we didnā€™t get to my family that often so FaceTime was the norn and would cause the least suspicion so therefore greater surprise.


With my first, for family and friends we mostly did individual phone calls. I live away from most of my family but a couple people I told in person. I was visiting my sister for her birthday and had bought her a mug that said ā€œbest auntā€ or something on it. Though she had already guessed because we had a long drive out to a cabin together and we stopped for food at a gas station and I was asking about the sushi and she was like ā€œwhat, are you pregnant?ā€ and I was like ā€œā€¦what, no, of course notā€¦ā€ lol. I gave her the mug as soon as we got to the cabin. When I told my brother and SIL we were at their house for dinner and I declined a beer. Then I said I had something to tell them and my brother was like ā€œyouā€™re pregnant!ā€ totally joking but he was right lol. Then for social media we posted a photo of us on Thanksgiving and I had a little belly at that point so I captioned it ā€œNot just a food baby!ā€

For #2 when it happens I think weā€™ll probably do the big sister shirt. [name_f]My[/name_f] mom will be in town in late [name_u]March[/name_u] so that will be good timing to tell her if we get pregnant this cycle.

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We did the shirt thing, neither of us are up for big surprises or displays. So for our first we told our families around 8 weeks which was right around [name_u]Christmas[/name_u] so we gave both our parents a [name_u]Christmas[/name_u]ā€™s present with a onesie in it and for everybody else my husband wore a shirt around to some family gatherings that said something like ā€˜be nice please, my wifeā€™s pregnantā€™ and we just waited until somebody read it. Then for this little one we waited till about 12 weeks and did the same thing but with a big sister shirt for everybody.

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We had my first show the ultrasound photo to important family, announced to a few others with her wearing a ā€œbig sisterā€ shirt and waiting for them to notice (it took forever and was hilarious). Then to tell everyone else we took a photo with [name_f]Rosie[/name_f] and a chalkboard that said ā€œ[name_f]Rosalie[/name_f] [name_f]Lyra[/name_f] is Being Promoted To Big [name_f]Sister[/name_f], [name_f]April[/name_f] 2019.ā€ And we posted on Facebook. We do the chalkboard thing every birthday, will do it with school years etc, so it was an easy choice for another milestone announcement. We take a picture with a blank chalkboard and I put it in a word processor and use chalkboard fonts to type so itā€™s neat.

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Announcing our first started with my mother-in-law. We were Skyping to let them know that we were returning to Australia after 3+ years of travelling. Immediately and without waiting for any sort of lead-in or explanation, my MIL shouted, ā€œOh my god, youā€™re pregnant!!ā€ :rofl:

With my second, the first person we told was my best friend. That wasnā€™t by design, and the news came out earlier than planned. We went over to hers for a visit, and she told me that she was pregnant. I immediately burst into tears (hormones, right?) and told her that I was too. Cue us both hugging and crying - it took our respective parters a moment to process what was happening. :sweat_smile:

For our folks, we put a ā€œbig brotherā€ shirt on [name_m]Bruce[/name_m] and struck him in front of the FaceTime screen (both sets of grandparents live in a different country) without saying anything. This time, it was my mother who caught on the quickest. It was super fun to see the realization hit their faces, one by one.

We did a gender reveal for #2 as well, sending out a photo of Hubby after being pelted with dyed water balloons. This was at the beginning of Covid, so our virtual method of announcement was finally on trend.