Row@n Tabith@ finally joined us on May 9th, over a week after her due date (much to her mother’s frustration).
We didn’t know the sex ahead of time and girl names were the hardest for me because I liked so many! We knew what the initials would be, though not necessarily the order, because my family does naming in honor of/in memory of people by passing along the first initial if the first name isn’t one they want to use. She is named for my grandparents, one of whom passed last year and one of whom gave permission to name for him despite him being alive (which is kind of taboo in our culture).
We are still working on not calling her by the name we used before she was born (and not calling her the dog’s name), but in addition to Row@n we also call her Ro. My grandfather calls her Tabby in honor of my late grandmother, who went by Tammie.
There are so many names I love that it was intimidating to officially pick one for her, but I gave our husband my top 3 for a girl based on prior conversations about his thoughts and my desire to use R and T initials, and he picked her name from those top three R.T./T.R. names.
Her name is gorgeous. It’s such a lovely mix of styles as well as soft and hard sounds. I’m with you on the dog name mix up. I’m still doing it 11 months later.
I have a feeling we are from a similar culture as we follow the same naming pattern and I too had to ask for permission from the person I wanted to honour as she is still with us. It’s a lovely way to honour loved ones whilst still be able to have some fun!
I love your daughter’s name she’s absolute gorgeous with an earthy vibe. Such a beautiful name.
Wishing you all the best with your parenting journey, get plenty of rest and make the most of that snuggle time
This is the combo I’d been rooting for all along for your surprise baby!!! I love it so much, it feels magical in all the right ways and I know how you’d agonized over girls names! Congratulations again mama!!