Six four-year-old baby witches are in a contest one Halloween night where they all have to concoct the very best witch’s brew. What are their names, what do they put in their different brews, who wins, and who are the judges?
- [name]Araminta[/name] [name]Juno[/name] - Petrifying Punch: Fruit juice, lemon juice, limeaide, green olives.
- [name]Portia[/name] Malini Singarayer - Skeleteen Soda: Generic Cola, bits of cauliflower, sugar and a straw.
- [name]Florentina[/name] [name]Ghislaine[/name] - Vampire Juice: Tomato Juice (or V8), 1 stalk of celery, seltzer or 7 up to taste.
- [name]Sylvie[/name] [name]Morwenna[/name] - [name]Brain[/name] Hemmorage: [name]Orange[/name] juice, Cononut juice, Raspberry club soda, orange peel curls, radish curls.
- [name]Alasdair[/name] [name]Llewellyn[/name] - The [name]Green[/name] Ghost: Peach Iced tea, green Jello, Limeaide, lime slices.
- [name]Erasmus[/name] [name]Fausto[/name] - Eyeball Martini: radish, 1 pimiento stuffed green olive, green Jello, Club soda.
[name]Amarantha[/name] Gelvira
Belial Alverad
Israfel Adalfuns
[name]Nin[/name] Sandulf
Winner: [name]Florentina[/name] [name]Ghislaine[/name] and her Vampire juice!
Runner up: [name]Erasmus[/name] [name]Fausto[/name] & his Eyeball “Martini”!
That was fun!
Greenie [name]Glenda[/name], Frizzy [name]Frieda[/name], Clammy [name]Clementine[/name], Drooling [name]Drusilla[/name], Warty [name]Wanda[/name], Screaming Ermintrude
brews: [name]Glenda[/name]'s Mud Mixer: mud, earthworms, eyeballs, coconut, and meatballs,
[name]Frieda[/name]'s Oatmeal Sludge: salt, oatmeal, toad tongues, and M & Ms,
[name]Clementine[/name]'s Squishy Smash: toe jam, toenails, catsup, and peanut butter,
[name]Drusilla[/name]'s Dragon Dressing: Dragon skin, turkey goo, mayonnaise, and taco shells,
[name]Wanda[/name]'s Wake-up Whip: coffee grinds, coffee, Nutella, and Ritz crackers, and curlers
[name]Trudy[/name]'s Tummy Teaser: [name]Alka[/name] Seltzer, Pepto Bismal, and licorice.
Winner: [name]Trudy[/name]'s Tummy Teaser followed by [name]Drusilla[/name]'s Dragon Dressing
Judges: [name]Barron[/name] [name]Bat[/name], Gomez Ghost, and [name]Catalina[/name] [name]Cat[/name]
Horrible [name]Hilda[/name] [name]Hortense[/name] & her eyeball stew- 10 pimiento-stuffed green olives, ketchup, mustard, snot, and soy milk.
Germy [name]Gertrude[/name] [name]Glenda[/name] & her spicy pepper stew- [name]Cayenne[/name] peppers, ginger ale, pineapple, earthworms (about 8) and tomato juice.
Whiny Wilhemina Wartzel & her nightsong stew- bat’s wings and noses from 2 bats, the tail of two cats, Pepsi, skunk stink, and juice from 2 varieties of night blooming flowers.
Earthy Ermentrude [name]Elvira[/name] & her witch’s moonshine- gin, grub worms, pickle juice, and rotted mouse guts
Lazy Luthgarde Lunella & her no work witches stew- pour the following into a hot cauldron and stir twice- 1 whole rabbit (fur and all), V8 juice (2 bottles), green beans (1 can), a bunch of celery (unwashed) and a whole broccoli flower (also unwashed)
Ashy [name]Agnes[/name] Aobhlinn & her witch’s soot stew- grill the entrails of any 5 small rodents until charred, then throw in cauldron with fish guts, millipedes, fresh ginger, and 7 up.
Judges are [name]Wanda[/name] Wartnose, and Eragon [name]Ebenezer[/name]
Winners are first place- Whiny [name]Wilhelmina[/name] Wartzel’s nightsong stew
second place goes to Ashy [name]Agnes[/name] Aobhlinn’s witch’s soot stew
- [name]Verbena[/name] [name]Isolde[/name] [name]Lux[/name] - Wingless Wasp : 10 Wasp legs, herbs, dust from under a bead, apple juice.
- Fiammeta Gorgiana - Toe Soda: 6 toes, pickled in vinager, old dish water with parsley infusion, mushrooms.
- [name]Elspeth[/name] [name]Veronica[/name] [name]Foxen[/name] - BB drink: Boiled bats brain, liquid brockily.
- [name]Ravenna[/name] [name]Charlotte[/name] - Ravens Worry: 10 raven tail feathers, chopped finely, pinch of ants, mustard, Liquid goat bones.
- [name]Darko[/name] Grosvenor - Froghop: Six 3 day old rats, roses, 1 frog, dirt from under ones tonails.
- Creve [name]Cuthbert[/name] - FoggyBrain: 1 large goats brain, ten fingers from 1 cannibal, parsley, garlic and powdered tree bark from the barking tree.
Ses Wintaffle
Foxcliff Gossenger - Feg
[name]Swanhild[/name] Dovenacy
Grimshaw Grimshaw
Pialotta Pinto
Winner: Fiammeta Gorgiana with her Toe Soda
Runner up: [name]Elspeth[/name] [name]Veronica[/name] [name]Foxen[/name] with her BB drink
That was fun!
Averdine [name]Sabina[/name] - [name]Cat[/name]'s Eye [name]Stew[/name]: 13 leeches, 4 cups of toenail clippings, a scoop of pond algae, and 2.5 teaspoons of mealworms
[name]Elfrida[/name] [name]Ambrose[/name] - Very Bloody [name]Mary[/name]: 2 pounds human flesh, 4 cups O negative blood, a lock of black hair, and 1 tablespoon of nutmeg
Charka Keilani - Tombstone Mixer: 3 cups packed dirt, 6 cups fog, 1/2 cup rose petals, 4 teaspoons of lake water, and a pinch of fly.
[name]Phaedra[/name] [name]Zehavi[/name] - Corpse Punch: 1 pound rotting timber, 2 cups fingers, 1/2 cup A posotive blood, and a pinch of molding flesh
Narvita Tazi - [name]Bat[/name] [name]Wing[/name] Broth: 3 cups dragon spit, 5 cups ground bat meat, 3 tablespoons chopped roots, and a pinch of cloud
Euterpes [name]Penelope[/name] - [name]Jack[/name] O’Lantern [name]Mocha[/name]: 2 cups [name]Gryffin[/name] coffee, 4 pounds pumpkin guts, and a teaspoon of sweetened Hydra mix
The Judges: Bartimus Otither, [name]Morag[/name] Nabula, and [name]Catalina[/name] [name]Jan[/name]
1st place: [name]Elfrida[/name] [name]Ambrose[/name]'s Very Bloody [name]Mary[/name]
2nd place: Averdine [name]Sabina[/name]'s Cats Eye [name]Stew[/name]
3rd place: Narvita Tazi’a [name]Bat[/name] [name]Wing[/name] Broth
Is it wrong that I enjoyed this so much? Please make another one (or five)!
[name_f]Odessa[/name_f] [name_f]Sybil[/name_f] - Centipede Cider: [name_f]Apple[/name_f] cider, cinnamon, gummy worms, apple slice dipped in caramel (garnish)
[name_f]Petra[/name_f] [name_f]Leonora[/name_f] - Crematorium Soda: Cream soda, lemon juice, diced apricots, grandma’s ashes
[name_f]Guinevere[/name_f] [name_f]Oona[/name_f] - Scalding Hot Chocolate: Milk, dark chocolate, chili powder, ghost pepper (garnish), chocolate shavings (garnish)
[name_f]Masha[/name_f] [name_f]Lorelei[/name_f] - A Clockwork [name_u]Orange[/name_u] Soda: Seltzer water, orange juice, lemon jello powder, orange zest
[name_f]Catriona[/name_f] [name_u]Juniper[/name_u] - Babysitter’s Demise: Lemonade, chopped up lime, sugar, raspberries, arsenic
[name_f]Ursula[/name_f] [name_u]Dominique[/name_u] - Screwdriver to the Head: [name_u]Orange[/name_u] juice, club soda, diced strawberries, sugar, poured over shaved ice
Winner: [name_f]Masha[/name_f] [name_f]Lorelei[/name_f]
Runner Up: [name_f]Odessa[/name_f] [name_f]Sybil[/name_f]