Hi all!!
I hope you’re having a lovely day!
If you’ve seen me around / are familiar with my style, you’re probably aware that I have a very solid top 6 names (3 for girls and 3 for boys). I ideally want to have 3 kids, so the idea was I’d make all these names cohesive and then be able to pull from these lists when the time comes (if they are still my top names!!)
The names are:
Augusta Esme Larkspur (August)
Clelia Selene Hopewell (Clio)
Lavinia Gwendolen Mayfair
Daphnis Holden Blythe
Lysander Elliott Valentine (Sandy)
Laertes Arthur Meridian (Lars)
So I have been thinking, and I’ve been wanting to add one more name each (one boy and one girl) to the set as my backups!! I think I’m pretty settled on Eulalie for the girl and Lydian for the boy, but I have some questions.
First, do you think Clelia and Eulalie are both too -L heavy to be in the same set? I pronounce Clelia CLEH-lee-uh and Eulalie YOU-luh-lee, and they’d have the nicknames Clio & Lily
- Yes, they are too close
- No, they are not too close
- …and they are not too close with the nicknames
- …and even with the nicknames they’re still too close
My second question is: Do I have too many L names? Clearly I love them a lot lol, but since I theoretically wouldn’t be using all of them, is it okay to have so many in the same set?
- It’s way too many L names
- It’s too many for my taste, but if you love it go for it!
- It’s totally fine
- …and I noticed before you mentioned it
- …and I didn’t notice before you mentioned it
Finally, I need a tiny bit of help with combos if anyone has any ideas!!
I think for Lydian I want to go with the second middle Mariner, but am having some trouble coming up with a first middle to match Holden, Elliott, and Arthur! Other similar names I like but don’t like in this spot are Lionel, Ernest, Lawrence, and Carlisle
Lydian ___ Mariner
For Eulalie, I am having a bit more trouble. I was liking the idea of Eulalie ___ Evergreen, but I’m not sure if I love having two E names in the same set. I also quite like the idea of Eulalie ___ Hyacinth, but am unsure if that is too many flower names in one combo / if Hyacinth can measure up to the power of Larkspur, Hopewell, and Mayfair.
Which do you prefer?
- Eulalie _____ Evergreen
- Eulalie _____ Hyacinth
I’m also looking for a first middle for her, with the same vibes as Esme, Selene, and Gwendolen. Names I like with this vibe but aren’t sure if I love here are Helena (HEL-en-uh), Anya, Ginevra, Odessa, and Thomasin. I would love some help coming up with similar names that fit the combos!!
Finally, overall, how would you rank the full set of Augusta, Clelia, L
If you’ve read this far, thank you!! I’m really excited to see your thoughts and suggestions