Normally I tend to love “old lady names” for girls, such as [name]Olive[/name], [name]Elsie[/name], [name]Harriet[/name] / [name]Hattie[/name], etc. However, lately I have been growing fond of the name [name]Bailey[/name]! What are you berries opinions on [name]Bailey[/name] on a girl? I’m not sure if I would use this name for real on a future baby yet, especially since it probably wouldn’t fit in with her siblings! I do like [name]Bailey[/name] a lot at the moment though, so I’d love opinions!
Also, would anyone mind suggesting middle names to me? I seem to be having a name block- I’m really stuck!!!
I have a 10 year old niece named [name]Bailey[/name], she is named after one of our grandfathers so the name is special, I know a lot of people think its trendy or too popular but I like it because of the associations I have with it.
I’m not a fan, sorry. I actually love [name]Bailey[/name] on a boy so seeing it considered on a girl kind of makes me sad, haha. I know it’s much more popular on girls, but still. I agree that [name]Bailey[/name] doesn’t really match the style of [name]Olive[/name], [name]Elsie[/name], [name]Harriet[/name], etc., though! Maybe use [name]Bailey[/name] as a MN for one of those if you use it at all?
The only FN suggestions I could think of were [name]Esme[/name], [name]Alice[/name], [name]Viola[/name], [name]Margot[/name], [name]Magda[/name], and [name]Caroline[/name]… do any of those appeal? [name]Poppy[/name] might be cute (either as a nn or full name) with [name]Olive[/name], [name]Elsie[/name], and [name]Harriet[/name], too…
I’ve never met a boy named [name]Bailey[/name]. I have, however, met several little girls named [name]Bailey[/name]. It was a masculine name for a while, but it slowly moved its way towards unisex and now I think it’s trending towards the feminine. Personally, it’s NMS. I don’t like unisex names, but if you like it, then go for it.
[name]Bailey[/name] is still in use for both genders; I say it’s unisex. I seem to be in the minority when I say I like it for both boys and girls! I know a girl called [name]Bailey[/name] and I recently met a boy called [name]Bailey[/name], so if I saw the name on paper I wouldn’t jump to any conclusions about their gender. It’s in the top 100 for a boy in my country, but in the top 100 for girls in the US, which is an interesting contrast.
Nameberry shows [name]Bailey[/name]'s US rank for girls being consistent in popularity but if you look at the relative percentage of usage (Popularity for the name Bailey - Behind the Name) then you can see it’s already peaked and started dropping so I would expect it to go out of style soon enough.
For a sibset, I think [name]Bailey[/name] goes with [name]Esme[/name] like ashthedreamer suggested, or might I suggest [name]Vivian[/name], since all those names are, in theory, unisex. I’d give [name]Bailey[/name] a feminine middle name, such as:
[name]Bailey[/name] [name]Clare[/name]
[name]Bailey[/name] [name]Victoria[/name]
[name]Bailey[/name] [name]Mathilde[/name]
[name]Bailey[/name] [name]Celeste[/name]
[name]Bailey[/name] [name]Araminta[/name]
[name]Bailey[/name] [name]Irene[/name]
[name]Bailey[/name] is so lower class. If you live in Australia you’d fit right in with the bogans. I can’t imagine it on a grown woman trying to forge her career.
amberdaydream, I can totally relate! I can honestly see some names as truly unisex. And I somewhat like [name]Bailey[/name] on a boy. I suppose I just currently prefer it on a girl. I’ve seen quite a few shows lately with girls names [name]Bailey[/name] in it and its certainly growing on me!
I like all of these idea’s for [name]Bailey[/name]:
[name]Alice[/name] [name]Bailey[/name]
[name]Magda[/name] [name]Bailey[/name]
[name]Caroline[/name] [name]Bailey[/name]
[name]Bailey[/name] [name]Clare[/name]
[name]Bailey[/name] [name]Victoria[/name]
[name]Bailey[/name] [name]Celeste[/name]
I know [name]Bailey[/name] is a liquor, as is [name]Remy[/name] and I know a little girl named [name]Remy[/name]. I can honestly say I’m not a huge fan of unisex names, well, at least the idea of using them myself. But I do like [name]Bailey[/name] at the moment.
sko, thats a little harsh <3
thank you all very much for these suggestions and opinions!!
I love [name]Bailey[/name] for a girl!!! She sounds like a fun, grounded little girl to me. As for middle names, I think that there are tons that sound good depending on your taste. [name]Elizabeth[/name], [name]Eliza[/name], [name]Katherine[/name], [name]Cate[/name], [name]Louise[/name], [name]Brynn[/name]… so many good ones!
I really dislike [name]Bailey[/name]. I find it utterly masculine and unappealing, plus the fact that it is the name of a liquor and means bailiff are two major turn offs.
I love [name]Bailey[/name], and it is all girl to me. My friend’s daughter is [name]Bailey[/name] [name]Katherine[/name], and sometimes called [name]Bailey[/name] [name]Kate[/name]. I love it.
I am pretty young so I know MANY Baileys (16). Almost all of them are female except for two. I think this name is unisex. I don’t mind it but it is not one I would personally use.
I love it for a girl. It’s my grandmothers maiden name but spelled Baeli instead of [name]Bailey[/name] and pronounced the same way. I have always had it on my list if I had a girl.