Battle of the "O" names

[name]Oscar[/name] gets my vote.

[name]Orion[/name] and [name]Leon[/name] has emphasis on different parts, it’s uh-RI-uhn and lee-UHN so it shouldn’t really be a problem, in my opinion… Osirian?


I feel [name]Ocean[/name] may be seen as a girls name. [name]Orson[/name] and [name]Oisin[/name] sound sort of similar to [name]Ocean[/name].

I don’t really like the connections to literature that [name]Othello[/name] has.

I think that [name]Olivier[/name] would be a good supplement for the too popular [name]Oliver[/name]. I think that the names are similar to [name]Olivia[/name] and [name]Olive[/name] in that [name]Olivia[/name] sounds a lot more regal and defined than the more drab and plain [name]Olive[/name] whose attraction I’ve never understood

From your list:


I like [name]Ormond[/name], “mountain of bears,” and [name]Osmond[/name], “God-protector.”

It’s a delicate subject… but you’ve mentioned in past posts that you’re African-American. As such, I think [name]Othello[/name], “the jealous [name]Moor[/name],” might be extra-tough.

Good point. I guess it is just a “guilty pleasure” then.

Thank you! Didn’t think of that.

[name]Oscar[/name]! Océane is currently very popular for girls where I am so I have a hard time seeing it on a boy. Not big on [name]Othello[/name] bc of [name]Shakespeare[/name]'s titular character.

I love [name]Orion[/name] even more than [name]Oscar[/name], though!