Be honest with me: Luella

First post!

[name]Luella[/name] has recently made it onto my list. [name]How[/name] bad is it, really? I love everything about it – the repeated “L” sound (and it’s much less common than [name]Lila[/name]), the way it rolls off the tongue, the fact that it is short and sweet and yet still elegant, the nickname potential.

I know it rhymes with Cruella (de Ville, as in the 101 Dalmations villain), but would that stop you from using it? [name]Do[/name] kids these days even really watch that movie?

Anyway, what do you think of [name]Luella[/name]? [name]Do[/name] you consider it usable? What would you think if you came across a little [name]Luella[/name]? Any comments are welcome!

I’ve never thought about it before, but I agree with you that it has a nice sound to it. I have to admit that after saying it and thinking that it was cute, my next though went to Cruella. I’m not sure how many kids these days watch that movie, but I know my 4 yr old niece hasn’t seen it. Overall, I think it’s a very good name name :slight_smile: You might also consider [name]Della[/name].

Awe, I think [name]Luella[/name] is pretty. :slight_smile: I think it’s safe to say that a great deal of children are familiar with the movie and book, so that “Cruella” potential is indeed there.

If you’re concerned, what about Lulette or giving her a name that could lead to a [name]Luella[/name] nickname (with the given name as a backup or simply another option)?

[name]Louisa[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name]
[name]Louise[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name]
[name]Louise[/name] [name]Eleanora[/name]
[name]Eloise[/name] Lulette (still pondering this one…)
[name]Lucy[/name] [name]Eleanora[/name]
[name]Lucy[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name]
[name]Lucy[/name] [name]Annabella[/name]

Best wishes, [name]Emma[/name]! :slight_smile:

hey, my first post too :slight_smile:
I like [name]Luella[/name], it’s unusual but doesn’t sound too out of place. There’s a lovely brand of clothes called [name]Luella[/name], I think you can buy it on net-a-porter? If you’re worried about it rhyming with Cruella (and any teasing associated with that will wear off once she’s left primary school), I second the suggestions above me, [name]Lucy[/name] [name]Eleanora[/name] and [name]Louisa[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] in particular are lovely.

I’ll be honest: to me, it sounds a little bit Appalachian. Like, Coalminer’s Other Daughter. It’s not BAD, it’s just sort of countrified, to my ears.

I love the name [name]Luella[/name]. It’s actually in my top 3 girl names
right now. It’s so sweet and girly. Plus I love the nick name [name]Lu[/name] [name]Lu[/name].

Oh, [name]Pomme[/name], that made me laugh so hard! :slight_smile: And to all of the first time posters, welcome! :slight_smile:

i really like luella! i think it stands the tests of time and aging, too. sweet little girl’s name, nice lady’s name, lovely grandma’s name.
and as someone else mentioned, it’s a great fashion label. get her a luella dress now for her sixteenth birthday. :slight_smile:[name]Luella[/name]?resType=designer&keywords=luella

It’s beautiful! Is super rare too!

Agree with pomme_de_guerre that it sounds a bit deep woods. If you like the Ls (I do as well), you might find some close alternatives that are a little more mainstream / current sounding /confidence inspiring in the namefinder if you search for names containing an L.


I really like it!!
I use to have Luelle on my list even though I’m not an “L” fan.
Nn [name_u]Lou[/name_u] is one of my favorite nns for a girl. So sweet.

TBH I have never heard it anywhere apart from nameberry, and I’m glad you gave the pronunciation as for some reason when I read it I only hear it rhyming with [name_f]Beulah[/name_f]!

It’s very much NMS, and I agree it sounds super country (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing).

This thread is 8 years old. The original poster hasn’t been active in years.