Beale as a Middle Name

What do you think of the name [name_m]Beale[/name_m]? It’s not a family name but it is related to my birthplace and where my Father served my country. It means handsome and fair (can’t be that bad right!?)

As a middle i think it’s intetesting and unexpected

It sounds like a surname, I would wonder if it’s the mom’s maiden name. But I think the middle name spot is kinda an “anything goes” area. So I think the connection and the sweet meaning is enough to use it!


I agree with [name_f]Elle[/name_f] and [name_f]Grace[/name_f]. With middle names, you have a lot more creative freedom than you do with first names. I think the connection is lovely and the meaning is also very nice!

It’s neat and surnames as middles give a name a little bit of flair I think.