Beatrice or Alice

My DH and I need help deciding on a girls name. We are equally in love with [name]Beatrice[/name] and [name]Alice[/name]. Which one is your favourite? Would love your advice.

I can’t choose between them. They are both equally lovely names.

I think you should use them both. [name]One[/name] as a fn, the other in the middle.

[name]Beatrice[/name] [name]Alice[/name]
[name]Alice[/name] [name]Beatrice[/name]

I think both would be beautiful names. [name]Alice[/name] was my favorite girl name several years ago. I eventually let go of it though because it seemed like a lot of other people were starting to like it too. It lost some of its spark for me. I feel like [name]Beatrice[/name] is a nice name that is still a little more uncommon, and for that reason I think I’d pick it over [name]Alice[/name].

They are so complimentary of each other, I feel. [name]Beatrice[/name] has a lot more nickname options, [name]Betty[/name], [name]Trixie[/name], [name]Bea[/name], Trice. Whereas [name]Alice[/name] is short and sweet and can use the nickname [name]Ali[/name]. If I was forced to choose, I’d have to go with [name]Beatrice[/name] because of the use of [name]Betty[/name] as a nickname and I really would like to see the name [name]Betty[/name] in the top 100 again one day :slight_smile:

We considered having one as a fn and other as mn, but thought it sounded funny together as they both end in ‘ice’ and DH def doesn’t like [name]Beatrix[/name] as an option

I’m inclined to agree they’re a little strange together. It’s not terrible but so many other names would be better.

They’re different in feel, and if your husband doesn’t like [name]Beatrix[/name] he might not like any of these, but you could “get at” both of them with [name]Beatrice[/name] [name]Alicia[/name] or [name]Beatrice[/name] [name]Allison[/name] or [name]Beatrice[/name] [name]Alix[/name], or [name]Alice[/name] [name]Beata[/name].

I think a lot of which you go with could depend on your last name. I understand if you don’t want to share but if you could give a soundalike it might help. Of course, maybe you have a last name that sounds equally good with both. I think my own personal preference is mildly for [name]Beatrice[/name] but [name]Alice[/name] would sound much better with my own last name.

I am going to choose [name]Beatrice[/name] - I love the meaning: “Blessed, she who brings happiness.” And I love the nn [name]Bee[/name] or [name]Bea[/name]. :slight_smile:

I really love both names, but like previous posters, I’d choose [name]Beatrice[/name] because it’s slightly more uncommon and has cute nickname options. Maybe save [name]Alice[/name] for a future child? I think they’re okay as a sibset despite the rhymey endings.

[name]Alice[/name]!!! [name]Beatrice[/name] is getting too popular

[name]Beatrice[/name]. I really love it. The meaning is lovely, the nickname options are great and it’s not that common. You really can’t go wrong with either, however.

I love them both but [name]Alice[/name] is my favorite. I think [name]Alice[/name] [name]Beatrice[/name] has a nice sound even though the two names both end in “ice.”

I like [name]Beatrice[/name]! I don’t think they sound good together though.

[name]ITA[/name] with many - I love both tons, but would choose [name]Beatrice[/name] simply because it’s less common with better nicknames. [name]Ally[/name] is not my fav nn. esp with all the Addys out there right now.

[name]Alice[/name] - I just think it’s much sweeter and more beautiful than [name]Beatrice[/name]. I can picture it better on more ages, as well. [name]Alice[/name] is such a winner, one of my favorites :slight_smile:

If I were you…I’d hope for twin girls!

Seriously, I love both names. All other things being equal, I’d say [name]Alice[/name] gets the slight edge.

[name]Both[/name] names are wonderful, but I love the nn [name]Bea[/name].