I’m really tempted to spell Beatrice with an S like Beatris. I don’t think it’s too different from Beatriz visually but it’d still sound like Beatrice. I love the name but Beatrice visually looks like beat + rice to me and it’s the only thing I don’t like. My fiance doesn’t like Beatrix either so that’s not an option. IDK, is that an okay spelling or is going to be headache to live with? Our surname is similar to the word sudden so the Ss kinda bleed together which I can’t tell if it’s too much but decided not to use Augustus for a boy because of the Ss but I think with Beatris it’s less bothersome. I’m still not sold on a name generally but this the one that my fiance likes the most out of my list.
I think with the last name I do like [name_f]Beatriz[/name_f] better than [name_f]Beatris[/name_f], but you have to go with what you like best!
I feel like it’s pretty useable. It reminds me of the main character of the Divergent book series who is a [name_f]Beatrice[/name_f] “Tris,” but other than that I don’t have any associations. The spelling isn’t super bothersome in my opinion.
Haha yeah I think subconsciously that why the -tris ending looks more “right” to me, I loved those books as a teen.
I Like it, but it’s bound to get misspelled her entire life.
I’m personally not a fan, to me it does just look misspelled and “wrong”. It wouldn’t be the end of the world, no, but I can’t say that I like it either It would bother me having a name with a made-up spelling, although I know there are others who wouldn’t care.
Hm. I actually don’t mind this spelling. I usually prefer the traditional spellings but I think this works if you prefer it.
[name_f]Beatrix[/name_f] and [name_f]Iris[/name_f] were our top girl names and we ended up choosing [name_f]Iris[/name_f]. This feels like a blend of both.
i think it’s useable, but will be misspelled. I have a name that is always misspelled and it hasn’t made me dislike my name.
It would be misspelled for sure. It look kinda incomplete to me - maybe Beatriss…? Idk, once you start focusing on the ‘beat’ element rather than ‘be-ah’ it starts to look wrong however you spell it
I think it could work. I feel like I have seen it as a spelling before.
I think it works fine. I have an uncommon spelling of a classic name (C@thryn) and always have to spell it and my last name and people will still get them wrong. It doesn’t make me wish my name was spelled [name_f]Catherine[/name_f]. Use what you like.
Maybe you might like the Welsh spelling
On behindthename.com it lists all the related names and their spellings you might prefer one of those too.