Beau vs. Bo as a middle

I really [name]LOVE[/name] the name [name]Beau[/name]/[name]Bo[/name] and we just found out we are having a boy & we are going to be naming him [name]Marek[/name] [name]Beau[/name]/[name]Bo[/name] [name]Louis[/name]. [name]Marek[/name] is a name we just love, [name]Beau[/name] is also a name we love but has some significance also as it was the name of the nanny/babysitter my husband had in childhood. [name]Louis[/name] is my husbands middle name and his fathers middle who passed away.
The reason I would consider the shorter “[name]Bo[/name]” is because I want to keep the name as short as possible especially with using the 2 middles. I do however like the spelling “[name]Beau[/name]” more but don’t know which one best suits my situation.

What do you think? [name]Do[/name] you like [name]Marek[/name] [name]Beau[/name] [name]Louis[/name] or [name]Marek[/name] [name]Bo[/name] [name]Louis[/name] better?

[name]Marek[/name] [name]Beau[/name] [name]Louis[/name]


[name]Beau[/name]. I think you’re splitting hairs. [name]Beau[/name] is short enough and two fewer letters really isn’t going to make that much of a difference. [name]Beau[/name] reinds me of a classy, hip name, while [name]Bo[/name] reminds me of Boo (like Boo [name]Radley[/name] from To Kill a Mockingbird). If you prefer one spelling over another, go with what you like!



I was all set to say [name]Beau[/name], but I think [name]Bo[/name] fits better visually with [name]Marek[/name]!

I prefer [name]Bo[/name] vs [name]Beau[/name]. [name]Beau[/name] to me is definitely more feminine, and I think a boy/man might feel the same way. I debated this when my son was born, and we stuck with [name]Bo[/name] - no regrets, we love his name!

Definitely [name]Beau[/name]. Of course it sounds the same but I strongly dislike [name]Bo[/name] in comparison!

Are you planning on having more kids? You could just save [name]Bo[/name]/[name]Beau[/name] for another time and stick with [name]Marek[/name] [name]Louis[/name] if you are worried about a long name. That would be my personal choice anyway. =)

[name]Marek[/name] [name]Bo[/name] [name]Louis[/name] would be my pick if you don’t just stick with [name]Marek[/name] [name]Louis[/name].

I think [name]Marek[/name] looks very Eastern European and a bit strange next to two very French names if you went with [name]Beau[/name] [name]Louis[/name]. Go with [name]Bo[/name] or keep your options open for your next boy.

I far prefer [name]Beau[/name]. Whenever I see [name]Bo[/name] I think B.O.= body odor.

Definitely [name]Beau[/name]. It’s a handsome name, especially paired with [name]Marek[/name] (which I [name]LOVE[/name] by the way) and [name]Louis[/name]. It also literally means handsome in French which is always nice.

I like [name]Beau[/name] best. I feel like [name]Bo[/name] seems unfinished and will look like you just threw it in as a filler.

I like [name]Marek[/name] [name]Beau[/name] or [name]Marek[/name] [name]Louis[/name]. All three together seems to much of a mouthful to me.

Thanks a bunch everyone!

We are pretty much decided it will be [name]Marek[/name]/Merrick [name]Beau[/name] [name]Louis[/name].

I was just debating whether or not I should use [name]Beau[/name] or [name]Bo[/name]. I am 100% sure I am having 2 middles like my daughter. Now I am struggling how to spell [name]Marek[/name]… [name]Marek[/name] or Merrick! lol But thanks for all the input! I appreciate it!

Definitely [name]Beau[/name]. I find that what makes a name long is syllables, not letters. [name]Beau[/name] is still one syllable. Plus [name]Bo[/name] just isn’t very attractive. I have a cousin named [name]Bo[/name], and we all begged and pleaded with my aunt to spell it [name]Beau[/name], but she wouldn’t budge and she really regrets it now. A name spelled out B-O (as in body odor) definitely leads to some teasing.

As far as masculine/feminine, -eau is a masculine ending, and [name]Bo[/name] is actually a Chinese female name. So from some experience on this subject, please pick [name]Beau[/name].