Beau with Belle?

Recently I’ve fallen in love with the name [name]Beau[/name] for a boy. I would probably use it as a NN, and have plenty of options to choose from on my boys’ list ([name]Brody[/name], [name]Boone[/name], [name]Booker[/name], etc… not to mention the fact that I think [name]Beau[/name] is one of those names that could work as a nn not derived from any full name, as I am sure I would think all my sons are handsome. :)), but my favorite girls’ name is [name]Isabelle[/name] (nn [name]Bella[/name]/[name]Belle[/name]). Would that be completely cheesy? I probably wouldn’t use [name]Beau[/name] anywhere near as often as I would use [name]Bella[/name]/[name]Belle[/name], but still… too much?

I’m not completely in love with it yet or anything… it’s just been really growing on me, and I want to be able to nip it in the bud if it would be too close…

Thanks, ladies!

I like it! I don’t think it is cheesy at all. I do prefer [name]Beau[/name] as a given name than just a NN though. If you were going too call all of your sons [name]Beau[/name] at some point, then you could just easily call all of your daughters [name]Belle[/name]. So to me it might be a little weird that [name]Belle[/name] is reserved solely for [name]Isabelle[/name] while [name]Beau[/name] is not reserved for just one boy. I don’t find the handsome/beautiful connection cheesy at all though :slight_smile:

[name]Welcome[/name] to the Redundancy Department for the Redundant. Definitely not. Plus, I just think it’d be weird to actually call your kids Pretty and Handsome as actual names, and not as petnames. I mean, it’s one thing to call them “pretty” and “handsome”, but to actually call them [name]Belle[/name] and [name]Beau[/name] makes me cringe, even if they’re nicknames.

lol. I wouldn’t call all my sons [name]Beau[/name]–probably just one. And if I did it, it would probably be for [name]Brody[/name], that is, providing I actually have a [name]Brody[/name]. It’s in the second half of my top 10, so I’m not sure I ever would.

I thought I might use it for [name]Caleb[/name], too, since I met a guy named [name]Milton[/name] the other day who went exclusively by [name]Beau[/name]… I thought it was interesting, and [name]Beau[/name]'s so dashing, imo. If I had a [name]Caleb[/name] first, I can easily see calling him [name]Beau[/name] occasionally, but I absolutely would not give up [name]Isabelle[/name] nn [name]Bella[/name]/[name]Belle[/name], so [name]Belle[/name] and [name]Beau[/name] do seem pretty bad to me.

[name]Beau[/name] and [name]Belle[/name] sound good to me

It’s a bit matchy, but it isn’t too bad.:slight_smile:

Well, if it’s as a nickname only, and not as a first name itself, I think it’s very lovely.
[name]Beau[/name] and [name]Belle[/name] for nicknames are cute. I know a girl named [name]Leah[/name], and her mother calls her [name]Bella[/name] every now and again.

My only worry would be what would you call your other kids? If you have more than two, and you’re using those nicknames, the others would feel left out imo.

It is a little cheesy, imo. Sorry!

It depends how often you’ll be around French speakers/those who’ll know the meanings. As I’m both of those, it’s a little over-the-top for me! However, I do like [name]Beau[/name] itself.

Thanks, ladies! I’m surprised at how many people thought it could work. @east93 - you make a good point, and one I was worried about. I don’t really want it to be cheesy or cutesy, and if I ever have more than a boy and a girl, what would they go by? I’d probably have to go with “[name]Jolie[/name]” or branch out into other languages. [name]Isabelle[/name] nn [name]Bella[/name]/[name]Belle[/name] is quite set, but I might do the nn [name]Beau[/name] occasionally if I ever use [name]Brody[/name]. Maybe not. I guess we’ll see. :slight_smile:

Are you set on spelling [name]Beau[/name]? I guess what I am asking is are you in love with the sound or meaning? I think you could go with [name]Bo[/name] fro [name]Brody[/name], [name]Boone[/name] or [name]Booker[/name]. I knew a guy whose full given name was [name]Bo[/name], not [name]Beau[/name]. I think that might take away the cheese factor if you would be ok spelling it that way since it is just a NN anyways. I think it makes the most sense for [name]Boone[/name] since it does not really have a NN option.