What do you think about the name-[name]Behati[/name]?
[name]How[/name] is it pronounced? I’m guessing it’s bay-haut-ee, but when i see it spelled out i just think [name]Bee[/name] Hottie. Does it have a great meaning?
it means fortunate and blessed, and it is pronounced as bay-ot-ee
No offense, but I see [name]Behati[/name], and I automatically think ‘bismati’. Like the rice. : (
I [name]LOVE[/name] THIS NAME!! its one of my favorites! i’m so glad you like it too! I absolutely love it!
It means blessing, which I think is beautiful.
I first heard it when I heard of [name]Victoria[/name] [name]Secret[/name] model [name]Behati[/name] Prinsloo.
Its on my shortlist- I love it and think it is totally worth any pronunciation issues! Plus it has the great nickname of [name]Bea[/name]! I love it!
to people wondering how it is said: If you youtube [name]Behati[/name], you can hear how it is correctly pronounced
so happy you like it too) i heard this name much tima ago and forgot about it and two years ago I was watching [name]Behati[/name] Prinsloo at TV and I liked it so much then how she pronounces it, [name]Bay[/name]-ot-tee, we both me and my hubby love this name but we was wondering others opinion about it, very happy that someone likes it too)
I think it is so beautiful and I wouldnt hesitate for a second to name my daughter that! i love finding other people who love my unique names!
Yes, if you love it, it is definitely worth having to pronounce it correctly to others. Plus people always feel special when they have a different name. I met a lady named Loichi, which was a family name and it was a conversation point!
I think its quirky and cute, with a great meaning…I say go for it!
I fucking love it since the first time i’ve heard it!