
Nickname poll for Belisario Abacus Nohr

What should he go by?
  • Lio
  • Olie
  • Ben
  • Arrio
  • Bo
  • Elis
  • Abbas (nn for Abacus)
  • Nohr (I know some who go exclusively by their mn)

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I love Bo!!

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Neither! [name_u]Rio[/name_u] :heart_eyes:


Okay so Iā€™m pretty much decided now on the nickname [name_m]Benno[/name_m] as well as [name_u]Bo[/name_u] which can be used interchangeably. I had my heart set on [name_m]Arrio[/name_m] for awhile but I plan to name another boy [name_m]Aras[/name_m] and I think the letters are too similiar to one another