I’m unsure of who to contact any longer about blog post ideas, but, I have noticed a lack of Downton [name_u]Abbey[/name_u] related postings, which I find interestingly peculiar, because, statistically speaking, in both the United Kingdom and the United States, it appears that the show does have an influence (more prominently in the United Kingdom). I’d love to do a post or two on this (one for girls, one for boys?), but I’m unsure of how to go about it. I haven’t seen many [name_u]Berry[/name_u] Juice postings recently, and the ones I have read have been submitted by other bloggers outside of Nameberry, so I’m not even sure if I’d be allowed to write a piece?
[name_f]Do[/name_f] I have to become an intern to write pieces now, or can users just submit one?
I’m wondering this too. I’d like to do a blog about the similarities between new American names and early Soviet names and maybe think about how a change in naming style is connected to a rapidly changing culture.