Hey all,
I’m a long time [name]Berry[/name] and thus came to you for advice.
(I started a 2nd Profile for privacy reasons, since my RL name will be attached to this project).
I’m working on a documentary project with the title “If Life Gives You Melons…You Might Be Dyslexic”.
Now I need to build a website for it. That title is clearly a little too long so…
I’d love you help choosing one…so far I have,
If Life Gives You Melons
I’m a Melon
Adults with Dyslexia
Or another choice…
I’m hoping that the website can be about the project but also have a forum (quite like this one) where people can share their own personal experiences and ask for support and suggestions.
I know this isn’t along the lines of a child and maybe outside of peoples comfort zone or purview. But your thoughts would be greatly appreciated. And, if nothing else, voting is easy.